How to Grow Pears: The Complete Guide (2024)

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How to Grow Pears: The Complete Guide (1)

Botanical Name


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Sun Exposure

Full Sun

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Hardiness Zone









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Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Pears

Catherine Boeckmann

How to Grow Pears: The Complete Guide (2)

Biting into a juicy pear is one of life’s joys. Growing pears is generally easier than growing apples, as they have fewer pest and disease issues. They are easy to fit into small yard spaces, too! Learn more about planting pear trees in yourbackyard.

When growing pears, note that two cultivars are generally needed for successful pollination and fruit set. Most pear trees are not self-pollinating.You can also grow pears in containers—and plant them at any time of the year. Make sure you purchase pears specifically bred forcontainers.

Be aware that pears can take a few years or more to begin flowering and bear fruit. But once they start producing, pear trees are prolific andlong-lasting!

There are many different types of pears; some are best eaten raw, and some are best for cooking. Learn more about pear varieties in thisguide!

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  • How to Grow Apples: The Complete Guide

  • Growing Asian Pears—Juicy-Sweet, Yet Crisp!

  • Unusual Fruit and Fruit Trees to Grow


  • Plant pear trees in early spring. Order bare root plants in mid-winter so that they arrive intime.
  • You’ll need full sun for the best fruit set, fertile, well-drained soil, and good aircirculation.
  • If you live outside of the dry western regions, you should choose fire blight–resistant types androotstocks.
  • Plan to plant at least two varieties of pear trees, as they will need to be cross-pollinated to produce fruit. Make sure the varieties are compatible with eachother.
  • Space standard-size trees 20 to 25 feet apart. Space dwarf trees 12 to 15 feetapart.
  • For container-grown trees, remove the plant from its pot and remove any circling roots by laying the root ball on its side and using shears to cut through theroots.
  • For grafted trees, position the inside of the curve of the graft union away from the sun whenplanting.
  • Dig a hole that is a few inches deeper and wider than the spread of the roots. Set the tree on top of a small mound of soil in the middle of the hole. Be sure to spread the roots away from the trunk without excessively bending them. Do not add fertilizer or topsoil to thehole.

Check out our video to learn more about how to plant a bare–rooted fruittree.


  • Water the young trees well during dry spells to help establish theroots.
  • Apply a small amount of fertilizer early in the year. Add 1/8 pound of ammonium nitrate per tree multiplied by the number of years the tree has been set in moderately fertile soil. If you have highly fertile soil, use lessfertilizer.
  • If the leaves are pale green or yellowish during the summer, use a little more fertilizer the nextyear.
  • If the tree grows more than 12 inches in one season, use less fertilizer the nextyear.
  • Be very careful when applying fertilizer! If you give your trees too much nitrogen, they will become more susceptible to fire blight and also may focus too much energyon producing foliageinstead of flowers andfruit.

Pruning PearTrees

  • Prune annually to keep the tree healthy. Generally, prune lightly to keep the trees looking their best andproductive.
  • For dwarf trees, prune them to a central leadersystem.
  • Standard-size trees can be pruned to either a central leader system or a modified leader system, which is easier tomaintain.
  • The central leader system features a central trunk with branches that spiral out every 5 to 8 inches, making sure that no branch is directly above another. The training for such a system begins in the early summer of the first year, during which time you should remove any shoots that form within 18 inches of the ground. The end result should resemble a Christmastree.
  • Use spreaders to help shape the branches of the trees. These help the branches to spread outward rather than upward. When the branches are small, you can use clothespins to push the branches away from the main trunk. For bigger branches, use wooden slats with a “V” shape notched into eachend.
  • Remember to thin the fruit as well, leaving about 6 inches between each cluster of fruit perbranch.
  • After your trees are established, water themregularly.


  • ‘Bartlett’, which is the standard choice for pear trees. This tree type is average-size and produces medium to large fruits. These pears ripen to a yellow color. However, this variety is very vulnerable to fireblight.
  • ‘Kieffer’, which is resistant to fire blight. This type produces medium fruit and can be used incanning.
  • ‘Anjou’, which produces light-green fruit with a sweet flavor. This type is a good choice for late-blooming pears. Good for canning and fresh use. This type can store for up to 6 months with little loss inquality.


  • Harvest pears when they are mature but still hard. Ripen the pears at room temperature for the best qualityfruits.
  • Mature pear trees produce a lot of fruit in a short window of time. Beprepared!
  • To store pears, pick them when they are fully grown but still very hard. You can keep them in the refrigerator; they should last for about 1 week. You can also keep them in containers in a cool (about 40°F), dark place; they should keep for 1 to 2months.
  • You can also can the pears for longerstorage.

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Wit and Wisdom

Pick pears when the fruit has a faint yellow blush but is stillgreen.

Drop peeled pears in cold, lightly salted water, and they won’t turnbrown.


  • Fireblight
  • Pearpsylla
  • Aphids
  • Mites
  • Powderymildew


Open-Face Pear-Fig Pie

Individual Pear Cranberry Crisps

Hazelnut Shortcakes with Honeyed Pears

About The Author

Catherine Boeckmann

Catherine Boeckmann loves nature, stargazing, and gardening so it’s not surprising that she and The Old Farmer’s Almanac found each other. She leads digital content for the Almanac website, and is also a certified master gardener in the state of Indiana. Read More from Catherine Boeckmann

How to Grow Pears: The Complete Guide (4)



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Should I wash the pears, and if so, when?

  • Reply

We recommend washing the pears just prior to consumption. (of course, you can dust them off beforethat!)

  • Reply

i bought 2 bartlett at about 7 to 9 feet tall. do i trim before planting?
Is it okay for them to be so tall and lanky?
I'd like to have some good juicy pears but also want to plant this right

  • Reply

Shorter trees (4-6 ft) are preferred for the initial planting, but whether you should prune or not depends more on the tree’s branching structure. We would recommend taking a look at the pruning section of this pear tree guide by the University of Minnesota, which covers a few differentsituations.

  • Reply

I have a variegated pear tree with three different varieties on it. Will it bear fruit or do I have to plant another in order to have fruit.

  • Reply

I’ve lived in Upstate SC zone 7 for three years and discovered a Bartlett on my property. It’s a small tree, no idea how old, but set fruit for the first time last spring. The fruit were small when I harvested, but I waited one day too long. The night before, I had about 30 pears. The next day, all but 4 had disappeared. So I suppose the best indicator of the time to harvest is to stay up and watch for the squirrels! I knew how to determine if they were ready to pick, but I didn’t know about putting them in the fridge, so my first harvest made for a pretty picture, but the squirrels and eventually the birds got to enjoy them. I’m thrilled to learn I can cross pollinate with an Anjou or Asian. Pruning intimidates me, so I believe I’ll hire a local nursery to prune the Bartlett and properly plant an Anjou or Asian, or both! Thanks again for all the wonderful help.

  • Reply

Am I able to submit a photo of my Pear tree and/or a Pear from the tree somewhere? I need help Identifying it. We bought this property almost 20 years ago and the tree was here long before because it was full grown when we bought the property. It's old and tall and has lots of beautiful Pears on it. Well odd shaped pears.. Are they canning Pears, baking Pears or just eating Pears? I have to say I've never tried them.. Each time I think I've figured out what they are I read something that makes me believe I'm wrong.

  • Reply

Your best bet is to take pics of the tree and the fruit and show them to the folks in a local nursery (or two or three). Or show them to a fruit vendor in a farmer’s market. Or consult your local cooperative extension; you can find it here:

  • Reply

Your article on Pears was very interesting. How do we deal with the most outstanding problem. Squirrels Every year like clock work they strike the week of the fourth of July. I had only about 200 . In six days all gone. I bought 3 bottles of dear and rodent spray and may help with dear , but worthless when it comes to squirrels. Now I am out 36.0 dollars. Do you know of a spray to keep them away from the pears ?

  • Reply

Our Great Pyrenees keeps the squirrels away for us!

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How to Grow Pears: The Complete Guide (2024)


How do you grow pears? ›

Plant them in a spot with full sun, good air circulation and well-drained soil. Pear trees prefer deep, fertile soil. They don't do well in sandy soils. Standard pear trees often grow 18 to 20 feet tall and 12 feet wide.

How many years does it take a pear tree to bear fruit? ›

Pear trees require full sun to produce the most fruit. Prune annually to keep the tree healthy, productive and looking its best. It can take 3 to 10 years for trees to begin flowering and producing fruit. Mature pear trees are large and produce a lot of fruit in a short window of time.

How long does it take for pears to start growing? ›

It can take three to ten years before the pear seeds you've planted develop into mature pear trees that bear fruit. Keep in mind that the process is lengthy and involves a series of steps—including cold stratification, germination, and planting in the soil—each of which takes a few months and requires patience.

Does it take 2 pear trees to produce fruit? ›

Apple and pear trees come in both cross-pollinating and self-pollinating varieties, and if you choose cross-pollinating, you'll need at least two of the same trees to produce fruit.

What kind of fertilizer for pear trees? ›

Pear Tree Fertilizer: The Right Type of Fertilizer

Pear tree fertilizer should be a balanced mix of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Look for a fertilizer with an NPK ratio where the three numbers are (almost) all the same, such as 10-10-10.

Do pear trees like full sun? ›

Since pear trees prefer cool weather, it's best to plant young trees during the fall, in late winter, or in early spring, while they're dormant. 1. Choose and prepare the spot. Pear trees need full sun to produce sweet fruit, so pick a spot that gets at least six hours a day.

Can a apple tree pollinate a pear tree? ›

In general terms each species can only pollinate others of its own kind - apples will only pollinate other apples, pears will only pollinate pears, and so on. Amongst apples there is generally no distinction between crab apples, cider apples, and mainstream apples - they can all potentially cross-pollinate each other.

Where do pears grow best? ›

Pears are hardy and will grow well in many areas, but they do need a little cossetting in cooler regions. The flowers appear early and are easily damaged by frost so it's best to grow them somewhere sunny and sheltered, but not in a low-lying area that could become a frost pocket.

Why do my pear trees not bear fruit? ›

Weather Conditions

The weather plays a big role in the development of your pear tree's fruit. A winter that's too mild will draw out the blossoming stage and possibly even stunt their growth. A spring that doesn't get warm enough can also make it so that fruit can't grow properly.

How to make a pear tree grow faster? ›

If you want to grow fruit trees fast, give them mulch, fertilizer and water and don't let the grass fight with them for resources.

How tall should a pear tree be? ›

*Some fruit trees, like pears, have more of a conical (narrow but tall) growth habit – these trees naturally won't have much of a wide spread: Dwarf pear trees will be 8-10 feet tall and spread about 6-7 feet wide; Standard pear trees will be 18-20 feet tall and 12-13 feet wide.

Do pear trees need a lot of water? ›

Give your tree enough water to soak the ground all around the roots. It's important to note that even if you're in the midst of a brown-lawn drought, you don't want to water too much. Once every 10 days or two weeks is plenty. Worse than dry, thirsty roots is waterlogged, drowning roots.

How deep should I plant a pear tree? ›

Soil Prep for Your Pear Tree

First, you will need to dig a hole three times the width of the size of the pot, and just as deep as the root ball.

How do you make a pear tree bear fruit? ›

Apples and pears must be cross pollinated. Therefore, you must plant two different varieties if you want to produce fruit. There are also varieties that produce sterile pollen and need to be planted with at least two other varieties.

Can you grow a pear tree from seed? ›

Growing a pear tree from seed is possible, isn't difficult and can be very rewarding if you have the patience as it takes time and care for a fruit tree to bloom.

Can you grow a pear tree from store bought fruit? ›

Store-bought pears will work fine. Using a paring knife, cut a pear in half. Cut the halves into quarters so you can easily access the seeds in the core. Dig out the seeds with a spoon or with your finger.

What does a pear tree look like? ›

Pear trees are deciduous and usually grow to about 12m, though some can reach up to 20m. The crown of the tree is domed and the branches can have spiny twigs. The bark is grey-brown and broken into small square shapes. Look out for: the grey-brown bark which has a square-shaped pattern.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.