The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)

Public Notices Funeral Announcements 26 Special Notices 26 Special Notices I Death Notices STAR and NEWS Quick Action WANT ADS, Thursday, May 22, T969 Page 77 743 Apartments Unfurnhhed 143 Apartments Unfurnished THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1969 THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR PAGE 76 RESIDENCE BURGLARIES HAVE INCREASED 187 SINCE 1960 HAVE YOU BEEN A VICTIM? MODELS OPEN DAILY and SUN. NOON TILL 8 P.M. oemces by Justus Contracting Co. WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN US HOME BURGLAR ALARMS FROM $150.00 ENJOY LIFE! Move info one of our luxurious one, two or three-bedroom apartments. 25 Yeers Bended Insured Security Service SEE BABEL, Mrs.

June H. G. DAVIS, Mr. Harry E. KRUZA, Mr.

Ansis A. LAYFIELD, Mr. Joanne C. McCULLOUGH, Mr. James A.

NiSLEY, Mr. Alva J. -WURTZ. Mrs. Anna Where Life Begins SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS P' 636-2504 mm at 45...


Smith, age 7t, ol Huntington Park, husband of Mrs. Jane Smith, father of Leslie E. Smith, Alhambra, George W. Smith of Russiaville, brother of Harold Smith, Indianapolis, Mrs. Ruth Mers, 7 grandchildren, 5 great-grandchildren.

Service Friday, 1 p.m: from SHIRLEY BROS. IRVING HILL CHAPEL, 5377 E. Washington St. Calling after 2 p.m. Thursday.

STANBROUGH Mr. Oren E. Stanbrough, 71 vears, Clearwater, beloved husband of Mary Stanbrough, father of Donald and Keith Stanbrough, James and Neal Giles, Yvonne Essex, Mary Adilou Havnes, LaDonna Benefiel and Hannah Belle McCrarv, brother of Bessie Vera Hobson and Royal Alfred Stanbrough, 15 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren, passed away Tuesday. Funeral Friday 2:30 ti.m., at THE G. HERRMANN MADISON AVE, FUNERAL HOME.

5141 Madison Ave. Friends may call after 3 p.m., Thursday, WEAVER Mr. James C. Weaver, 55 years, 4430 Jamestown Court, husband ot Mrs. Catherine D.

Weaver, father of Major Ronald E. Weaver USAF, Daniel J. Weaver, Austin Texas, Mrs. Barbara Whltaker, brother of Harry Weaver City, 6 granddaughters, passed away Tuesday. FTjneral Friday, 8:45 a.m.

FEENEY-KIRBY MORTUARY, Meridian at 19th 9:30 A.M. SI. Lawrence Church. Friends may call after 12 noon Thursday. Rosary 8 P.m.

Thursday. WURTZ Mrs. Anna Wurlr, 4171 Carrollton mother of Mr. Edward C. Wurti, Mrs.

Royal B. Colby, and AMERICANA NURSING CENTER 20 Lost and Found NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that staled fcids for "boiler replacement and automatic temperature control" at School 29 will be received by the Board of School Commissioners of the City of Indianapolis, 120 East Walnut Street, Room 704-C, until 4:00 P.M., on Thursday, June 5, 1969 and tben publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received after that hour will be returned unopened Bids shall be executed in accord with Indiana Form No. 96 with Non Collusion Affidavit and Questionnaire Form No. 96-A, accompanied by a satisfactory bid bond, or deposit, payable to The Board of School Commissioners of the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, for not less than five percent (S pet) of the total bid price, and delivered in a sealed envelope showinq tbe bidder's name and address.

CONSTRUCTION shall be in full accord with drawings and specifications on file at the offices ot1 The Owner, The State )oard of Accoun and the Engineer, and art obtainable trom Otis M. Palmer, Consulting Engineer, 1800 East street, Indianapolis, Indiana. The owner reserves the right to accept, or reiect, any bid; to waive any informalities, or errors, in biddinq for a period of forty-five 145) days after the bid opening. Wage rates chall not be less than those in the specifications, and-or not less than those on file in Owner's Office and Engineer's Offire which ca be seen upon request. Contractors receiving awards shall furnish an approved one hundred percent (100 pet) Performance Bond which Is to remain in full force and effect for twelve (12) months from date of acceptance of Ihe work Should successful bidder withdraw his bid, or fail to execute a satisfactory contract, the Owner may then declare the bid deposit forfeited as liquidated damage.

The Board of School Commissioners of the City of Indianapolis NOLAN E. ALLEN Business Manaqer Indianapolis, Indiana May 15, 1969 Has beds available, For 2-3 or 4 week LOST SHETLAND Sheep Ooo (small periods; during summer months to mSW Collie) escaped from yard at 2701 N. Created exclusively for those 45 years young and past and their adult ago partners. No other apartment in this area can offer you so much for so little lust 15 minlues will prove this statement to you. Visit Crestwood Village Olney.

Smjll ctiild's pet. it touna, please call 545-7398 or 547-6967. Re- ward. care tor family members. This is your opportunity to have a carefree vacation, knowing your loved ones are properly cared for.

We offer special diets and 24-hr lie. nursing care. Call 356-091 1, 5600 E. 16th St. SOUTH LOCATED ONE BLOCK WEST OF KESSLER ON WEST 30TH STREET APARTMENT5 Soufh today CROUCH, Mrs.

Hazel M. FEVR1ER, Mrs. Margaret FOREMAN, Mr. Charles GODDARD, Mr. Lawrence E.

HARDERN, Miss Eliza B. MCMILLAN, Mrs. Mary M. PAERI, Mr. Jean PRICE, Mr.

Joseph Allen Sr, SMITH, Mr. Paul LOST: min French Poodle, shaqoy fur, cream colored. Ans! Jo the naim of Timmy tost since Mon 6 pm, Vic Carriage House West, 244-6462, reward. LOST TUES afternoon. Child's tortise shell rim glasses.

Keystone Ave, between 44lh and 50th. Rew. 255-2764. STUDIO APARTMENTS $105.00 ONE BEDROOM UNIT $130.00 ONE PAYMENT INCLUDES EVERYTHING HD. TO PL.


Delaware St. 636-3548 WANT (4 500 tickets. No. Penthouse or No 1 turn. Will pay premium price.

Call collect, RENTS FROM $135.00 ELECTRIC APPLIANCES FEATURING GENERAL I LOST Lq male, brown and white beagle hound, child's pet, vie of S. New Jersey and Griffith Rd. Rew. 881-4571 eves. WPSiMHOUSF.

(W) UMLUNCtf ON GUARD Chemical Spray for self protection. Order now, $2.98 plus tax. Fleetwood Distr. 623 Klllian Beerh Grove, 46107. 4 8800 MADISON AVE.

Write or Phone tl-24M-rree Brochure I Death Notices "mi. ftjjgj LOST OERM Shep pup, male, silver gray, bald soot on back. Vic State SI, Pleasant St. Ans Geronimo, S25 Rew 291-8204. Hjj PASSPORT and ID.

Photos need not be ugly. Come to 7alman for quality and speed. 1455 N. Penn. ME GADDIS hhr aiinnth riarMio ana Aft 1W) Mrs.

Silas Byrum, 5 grandcnitoren, 10 great-grandchildren, passed away FOR HEATING AND WATER HEATING LOST: Glendale May 3rd. Silver Bracelet w-moon stones. Fam heirloom, Rew. 253-9814 att 5 PM. ft5.

better weyt Ma'cArthur Lane, husband of Delores Tuav. Funeral Friday morning, 10:30 o'clock, FLANNER BU 38 Transportation L. Gaddis, father ot Connie, Patricia Harley and Nancy Gaddis, son ol Mrs BEAUTIFUL 2-BEDR00M APTS. CHANAN BROAD RIPPLE MORTUARY. Friends invited.

24 Personal Notices Jo ip i i 3 Card of Thanks iMMf AVAILABLE MODEL OPEN DAILY 12 TO 7 P.M. MODEL PHONE 926-8718 LEASING AND MANAGEMENT BY SHIP YOUR CAR ANYWHERE-REASONABLE AUTO DRIVEWAY CO. 635 enn Sl 6391018 WANT RIDE from Wanamaker 'to Untwn 8:15 10 4:45 shift. 6318874 after 6 pm. WANTED 12 drivers" to California! 639-6321Paul Raqan.

DRIVE Fla Seattle. P.lts-burgh. AAACON, 636-3323. ORISKELL We wish to thank kind relatives, friends and neighbors for expressions of sympathy, lovely lloral offerings and other courtesies extended at the passing of our beloved husband and tather, LESTER B. DRISKELL Wile and Family giving him a bath in a small Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

(AP Wir lake near epKoto) COOLING IT It was hoi day yesterday and Debbie Harris didn't mind getting as wet as her horse Bee while I WILL NOT BE responsible lor any debls contracted by anyone other than myself on or atler Thursday, May 15, 1969 Michael A. Crandali. formerly nf 331 Memorial Dr, Mooresville, now living at 3327 S. Follr, Indpls. I WILL NOT BE responsible lor any debts contracted by anyone other than myself on or after Thursday, May 15, 1969, Donald W.

Ellis, 6029 Crillen- den Ave, Indpls. I WILL NOT be responsible for any debls contracted by anyone other than myself on or afler Thursday, May 15, 1969. Danny A. Herring, 1938 New Haven Drive, Indpls. STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF ALLtN 9S' IN ALLEN SUPERIOR COURT NO.

2 CAUSE NO. 18342 PATRICK LANGIN VS. EDWARD JAMES LANGIN NOTICE TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: NOTICE BY PUBLICATION You are hereby notified that the above-named plaintiff has this day filed in th office of the Clerk of said Court his complaint alleginq, amonj olher things, that you, Ihe said defendant on the 11 day ol December, 1942, belnq then a resident of Allen County, Indiana; and the same being your usual place ol residence, went to parts unknown and have since said date remained absent and un Francis Rogers, stepson of Francis Rogers, brother of Emmett Gaddis, Mrs. Louise Garrett and Mrs. Charlotte Seymour, passed away Tuesday.

Services Fridayt 1 p.m., CONKLE FUNERAL HOME, SPEEDWAY CHAPEL. 4925 W. 16th. Friends invited. Friends may call at funeral home.

GAZLEY Mr. Ernest W. Galey, age 65, of R. 6, Lake Sanlee, Greensburg, formerly of Indianaoolis, beloved bus band of Alberta, lather of Mrs. Donald Cissell Chevenne and Mrs.

Carl Holslein, Lake Santee, 6 grand children, 1 great-grandchild, brother of Mrs. Mildred Heaverki, and Herbert Gazlev ct Ind'anaoolis, passed away Monday evenino. Funeral Thursday, Mav 22. 2 P.m. at BASS FUNERAL Westport, Ind.

Friends may call. Masonic service 8 p.m. Wednesday af the funeral home GEYER DRIVE A Car to California, Seallle, Wash or New Jersey. 639-1018. CARRIAGE ESTATES CO.

REALTORS 834 BROAD RIPPLE AVE. 253-4101 DRIVE MY CAR AS YOUR OWN TO LAS VEGAS, 547-5901. HENDRIXSON The family of HUGH HENDRIXSON wishes to thank the kind friends, relatives and neighbors for expressions of sympathy and lovely floral offerings extended at the passing of our brother. The family avocado appliances jV gas ranges -jc gas furnace air conditioned ir soundproof fa disposal -jc ample storage fc beautiful kitchen cabinets 16" master bedroom all drapes fully carpeted -jrV comm. bldg.

swimming pool ir tsnnis courts jr shopping center picnic area (NO CHILDREN UNDER 13) Meth odist Min isters 100 Sleeping Rooms heard from, leavinq property, Including properly subsequently acquired by in I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than mvself on or after Thursday, May 15, 1969. William L. Coulombe, 1031 Seville St. I WILL NOT BE responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself on or after May IS, 1969 William A. Griffith, 3605 N.

Harlman Ind. issigned By Bishop heritance witnout naving maae any provision lor its control or management; that this Petitioner is in need of thi use and proceeds of the WALL TO WALL CARPETING SPACIOUS BAlCONItS FULLY EQUIPPED KITCHENS INDOOR PARKING 1-2-3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS FURNISHED UNFURNISHED LORD We wish lo express our sincere appreciation to our relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness, a sympathy, mass stipends end lloral tributes extended al the passing of our beloved mother, MARY ELLEN LORD We especially wish to thank Rev. Fathers Sahm, Rippenger, Ryan, Gorten, Sorgal, Kirkhoff and Albright and to Mr Feeney, for the loving services rendered. The Seven Lord sisters WOODARD Our sincere thanks to many friends, relatives, neighbors, Flder and Mrs. James Sanders and King King Funeral Home for expressions of sympathy and lovely lloral offerings extended at the piss-iiiq ol our beloved husband and lather, ARTHUR WOODARD Wife and Family MODEL OPEN 10 TO 6 DAILY; SUNDAY 1 TO 6.

igas beljer way) LOGANSPORT Thomas Bowman, Fulton from Morocco. James O'Dell, Macv from Mechanics-burg William CuttlMW, LorjlnipOfl Third Street from Bethel TO PAUL Randall, 5444 38th, City. Steven B. West, 4937 City, am willing and able lo niv a reasonable bil lwh submi 1 1 ed. REWARD.

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Herbert Kleinmever, ALCOHOLIC ANONYMOUS may be reached of 414- Peoples Bank Bldo. Indianapolis or 632-7B64. HOTELS MODERN HOTEL CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN DOWNTOWN AREA IS NOW OFFERING WEEKLY AND MONTHLY RATES FOR PERMANENT GUESTS EXCELLENT ROOMS 24 Hour Restaurant Service MODEST RATES Phone 635 1351 COUNTRY SQUIRE EAST APTS. 10110 E. 38TH ST.

898 2445 JUST 1 MILE E. POST ROAD 6701 North College Ave. Open Daily Sat. 9 A.M. to Dart Sunday 12 Noon lo 4 P.M.

253-6102 rPTMR 251-4670 Children Permitted James Russell, Niw Carlisle from Gary City Spanisli work Divid Bonner. Hammond rirsi asosoatt Irom Clinton (South Conference) Hillon WhiUkrr Kokomo Mam Slreel from Michigan City First Thomas Bowman, Fulton from Morocco-Mt Zion Rnald William, leave of absence Irom MunMerRidoe Paul Steohensnn, Monster Rirtqe Irom eortland William Peterson, leave of absence Irnm Brook Phillin HHIMITW AAirh.gan City First from Anderson Otterheln. ELKHART Kenneth Link, Albion Trinity (First Aooomtmeiii I Robert Tnieblood. Flkharl Athnqhl Irom Wolroitvlle Rome City F. Kaye Bass, Elkhart First Irnm I atavetie Christ.

DIAL 1(2-6200 POR ME DITAT ION MOMENT SHALOM Good News "About John the Bapllst. Call 787-3506. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 5 In Memoriams 26 Special Notices 100 Sleeping Rooms jlTO Rooms With Boord properly, and praying that it shall be presumed and taken by said Court lhat you are dead, and prayino that said Court shall have jurisdiction over your estate in the same extent as if you were dead. NOW THEREFORE, vou are hereby notified that said complaint and the matters therein alleged, will come up for hearing and determination in said Court at Ihe Court House In the Oty of Fort Wayne Allen County, Indiana, on Ihe 9th day Of July, 1969 al 9:00 A.M. oclock.

You are hereby summoned and required lo enler an appearance, per snnally or by attorney, on or bnfoie the 1st day of July, 1969 al 5:00 p.m. o'clock, or else be defaulted and have judgment taken against you. WITNESS the Clerk and Seal of said Court al Fort Wayne, Indiana, this 13 day ol May, 1969. Elton L. Marg uart.

Clerk NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the Indlanapolls-Marion County Pubhr Library Board until 11 a.m., Friday, June 6, 1969, on Catalop Cards. Book Porkets, Plastic Book Jackets, Library Binding, and Paper. All in accordance with detailed specifications on file and in Jhe Office Of the Librarian, Central Ci brary, 40 East Saint Clair Street, Indianapolis, Indiana. Motita F. Hale, President EAST 125 Trailers and Trailer Space tor Rent JENKINS In loving memory ot AMANDA JENKINS who passed away May 22, 1964 Cod knows how much we miss her.

Never shall her memory fade; Loving thoughts snail ever wander lo Ihe spot where she is laid. Husband, Johnnie snd BARTON HOUSE CENTER Variety of accommodations, Inc rm, board and comprehensive nursing i.ue under lie personnel. Conv downtown loc, adi parkina. Mr. Hedding, Adm 634-5310, Mon-Frl.

Mr. Andrew Geyer, age 88, 4121 N. Michigan father of Charles Geyer, City, brother of Miss Myrtle Geyer, Washington, passed away Wednesday. Calling at GRIN-STE IN FUNERAL HOME. 1601 New York Thursday 7-10 P.m.

and at the LEE YORK FUNERAL HOME, Washington. Ind after Friday noon. Services and burial Saturday a.m. Washington, Ind. GODDARD Lawrence E.

Gnddard. age 63, of 4925 Younq beloved husband of Mfs Viola Goddard, father of William Roberts, Mrs, Betty Lee Zwingler, Jack E. Goddard, Mrs. Myra Jean Goddard, 12 grandchildren, 8 greatgrandchildren. Services Thursday, 10 a.m., at the SHIRLEY BROS.

IRVING HILL CHAPEL, 5377 E. Wash. St. Friends invited. GUMBLE Adam M.

Gumble, 73 years, 1531 Ho'etoen beloved husband of Amelia R. Gumble. brother ot Andrew Gumble, and Sophia Ahrens, passed away Wednesday. Funeral Saturday 8:30 a.m. at the G.

H. HFRRMANN FUNERAL HOME, 1505 S. East St. and 9 a.m. at the St Catherine Church.

Rosary Fridav 7:30 cm. Friends may call after 7 p.m. Thursday. HALLAL Tewtik Hallal, 3356 Kessler Blvd N. Dr.

Beloved father of Memtez T. and Michael T. Hallal, Sue Shaheen, brother of Mrs. Amelia Haboush, Mrs. Nazera Rossi, 7 grandchildren.

Services Friday 9:30 a.m. STEVENS CHAPFL OF THE FLOWERS. 3136 W. 16th, 10 a.m. St.

Michael the Arc Anael Catholic Church. 30th and Tibbs Rrary Thursday I p.m. WALKING DISTANCE 401 ILL. AUTO ELEVATOR Maid service, refrig, reasonable. FAST SERVICE on wedding invita lions.

Complete selection, beautifully printed in all price ranges. Call tor home appointment, McM Printed Products 546-3316 FOR THE FINEST in household and personal brush products. Call Fullei Brush Co. 545-1256. EVERYDAY LOW PRICrAT ABLE DlTuG STORs' DE: WANTED PENTHOUSE SEATS dor 500 Mile Race.

293-5265. Travis Purdv, Elkhart Salem Horn nidlure resident, S9.50 to S1 2.50 130 EMERSON. Large rm, pvt ent, emp genlleman. 356XJ331. 34TH FRANKLIN RD.

Vic. New home, emp girl, S15 wk. 898 3133 eves. WOODRUFF Place emp young worn-an, kitch privl-i nr bus and shoppinq 1 2.50 wk. 831-1341 uaugnter Lucme Packerlnn Pleasant Grove 115 Child Core I ester I Sommer, Green enrer rrnm STAR STATE REPOfT West Lafayette, Ind.

Pastoral appnintmeni i hanges in the North Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church were announced here esterday at the opening session of the organization's annual meeting Bishop Reuhcn Mueller, head of the Indiana Area, sent new ministers to several of the conference' largest congregations. 'Itie conference, drawing more than 1,000 delegates, will inntinue here through Saturday at Purdue University. Attending are ministerial and lay representatives from 882 congregations in the 38 northernmost counties of the state. The list of appointment changes; CALUMET DISTRICT Edftarrf ftnase, fir irnm HMTNMM rust Harm Shewmaker Cedar akr Cretlno Irrtm A'hurv I discontinued! Don, ity assnriata limn Haven I4l I0 MASS-QUIET ATMOSPHERfc. Pkng avail.

Running wir, refrig, maid serv. S9, S10, Sll wS. 636-9482 Lioomer First kl.nkl I I 'nil fill 3 BI.0R00M TOWNHOUSE SI2I A MONTH Includes All Utilities Except Electricity pare ch-iteu 2135 West 73rd Street Phone 293-6435 trom Elktiart Simosnn associate 3600 N. MERIDIAN (S.E. Cor.) 1 And 2 bdrm, redecor, excel tranro, utils and parking paid Elevawr, Itiundrv facils, swim pool, fireproof, soundproof.

Si 35 W- "5. 1 E. 36th Call 924 MUSKINGL wo. i. Kros.

hath Adulls, S47.50. 432-6517, DUN LOP HOLTEGEL. 3748 PENN" 359-345." Nice apt, 1 bdrm. Will be available une 1st. Call for appt.

3734 PENN, 1 "bdrm up, clean. adulls. 925 0413, 953 PROSPECT nr Fountain St. 4 Rms tint floor, pvt bath, ent. Adultt only.

636-6703. 1327 PROSPECT 3 rms, bath, porch bus, mature adults. 357-6156, 849- 2145. mRKLin-in loving memory ol our father, NICOLAAS MARCIN, Who passed away May 22. 1966.

You're not forgotten, father dear. Nor ever shall you be; As long as life and memory last Wa shall remember thee. Your daughters, Elisabeth, Aaltcr House, I ignmer r-irsi ami 4100 E. VERY nice fr rm. Nest bath.

Rel empl young man, 356-4382. 801 N. PENNFINE LOCATION Maid sv S9, S10, ill wk, 7 am to 7 pm Centenary Yoked I trom MurtawaM BABYSITTING, MEMORIAL DAY ONLY, 108 acre farm, olf the No worry for Mom or Dad. S5 per child, over age 1 please. B98-9629.

WILL BABYSIT for 2 children, my' home. Mooresville, 5 days, 831-4877. CHILD care. Lie. Near" Emerson Ave.

356-2909. Robert Ellisnn, Letters Fnrd-Mnnterey frnm Macy. Terry Lee SlNIITItluK, G.lead henertr. Plrn.ant Hill (first aPDOmtmenti Earl Sharp, Culver Wesley Irnm Mum ie i i son Slreel Tom Wilson. Denver Chili Irnm Oiler-hem Lincoln Hosea Drake, Peru associate Irom Lu-cerne Zlon-Flelrher's Lake.

Ora Myers, Olle.bein I iiirnln (first apooinlment V. Lallemenl, Rochester Trinity f.nm South Bend Rive. Park Charles Kramer, McGrawsville Irnm re-liremenl A.tlmr Bishop. Ml Hope Poplar Grove-SAntl Anna trom Plymouth First assoiiate, Pbiiio Stalions, Santa Fe Ambov (lirst apnnintmenl I Robert Weaver. Young Amerua Circuit from Bringhurst Radnor.

Gary Evans. Loqansporl Parish first appointment I Oonald Mean, lucerne ZionF lekher's Lake llirst appointment). MUNCH Lewis Slrong, Center from retirement. Glenn Campion, Avondale from Anderson Madison Avenue Noble W. Greene.

Muncie Madison Street from Tipton Wilbur Workman, Murine Normal City trom Ligonier Centenary Charles Elson. Portland Ashury irom Kokomo Main Street Joseph Vandergrift, Redkry Main Street frnm seminary David Wilson, Wesley Parish associate llirst appointment) Orrm A Manifold. Munne Colleqe Ave nue frnm Hunlingion Flrsl. Verlin Vernon. Munici Gethsemane associate trom relirernent James J.

Boyle, Dunkirk Bethel rnsarlerion Grant Willis Svnhers, Pnrllanrt Trinity from Wo ICOlt David Schramm. Ball Stale Wesley Foundation trom Wesley Parish. Coal bush. 3612 E. WASHINGTON Pvt ent Clean Parking NEED 12 tickets 500, prefer pent houie or box.

Name your price. 291 5506. i NORTH RalDh MftTteii rviiliuio Swettret William Moon, Nr Pirn Grace from 4iift CAtt D.Mtkla f4Ju iimn vniina Johanna and Sara mifOEMt jobus.J56-4382. IN MEMORY OF SON coming home trom the service. Need good seals for 500.

631 -6767 'til 5 p.m. Yeoman Steohen OPEN 1 BLOCK TO TRANSPORTATION SKYWAY MOBILE PARK 4722 W. TROY AVE. Spaces Now Ready For Lease 243 Bl 75 Gubi. Valentme-Lakevlew trom COLLEGE, 32nd vie.

Day care. Lie Have of absence home, tiny tots up, 926-0496 wdrf pi. Lovely rm. single emo girl. Laundry facll.

ajlws? "MOD RMs jtr 3400 I 10th, i de.ired. 637-6972. MINK STOLE CLEANING Davidson of Glendale 255-3161 12-Wtde, New 2-Bdrm. 831-1371 SOUTH 3P43 CENTRAL, have 2 nice le, well furn rms for 2 emp ladies. 4156 COLLEGE' Put ent.

Maid sery- ice. Man. 637-3896. 2822 FOR eTt MANOR, nice room for emp man in priv home. 546- 2924 4270 MERIDIAN Sleeping rm, next to bath.

Gentleman only. 3627 PENN. Large room. Hall ent, hsekpq rm. 340 W.

30th Modern rm, priv ent, Sll wk. 926-7900, 255-7858. 219 WALCOTI. 4 ftms and bath dwn, Ig closets, redec. nr super markets and bus.

Adults. BOARD BABIES, birth up, Doctor's rets. Lie. 631-7286. 40TH and Broadway.

Care for infant. My home. Days, Lie. 925-2996. EAGLEDALE, My home, hot meals.

Supervised play. 293-6231 CHILD CARErmy homef Infants up. 10th mil hAMInr Dri OQ1.QOI1 WANTED 500 MILE RACE TICKETS 2, 6. 846-0144 or 923-7144 WE SELL hard to get auto insurance. All risks full coverage, monthly l-BDRM furn trailer.

Nr Weir Took. Call 243-8059 from 2-5 ptrv BEAUTIFUL shaded lot with gas piped in, I4MQM 1 I. 1114 ST PAUL Ft Sg nice rm. Free parking emp man. 636-9285, 826' i WEGHORST.

3 ROOITIS, trltetl and ulls furn. Pnv bath, ent, 631. 4804 CHARLES ALBfcRT (Sonny) PQLEN (My 15. )3s-My 2J, 1964) Though years have gassed, we still remember Your dear, sweet tmile and loving ways. Time can'l erase you from our hearts, dear.

You'll be with us throuoh ell our days. And when our God says, "Come and rest now," We'll loin you there, et Heaven's door. Until that day, well hold your memory Within our hearls forever more. Mom end Oad Sisters, Phyllis end Marilyn and little sons, Randy, Bobbv. Kenny and Jeff IWFIilwllii v.n eve flpji' WEST "WHY NOT TREAT fH'E 1224 WINTON, Speedway, titer In I aol bldo.

bus line, adulls. child caie lie. home'near 38th 140 Equipment, Home AM IL TONIGHT FORT WAYNE Lvcurous Starkey Jf Fort Wayni First-Wayne from Munne College Avenue Ph.lio Edwards, Fori Wayne Simpson associate Irom Anderson citterbein mo dale, Dale Hoak. Wayrdal associate Irnm South Rend First associate tarry lohnson. New Haven assoi Irom Drew Throlngiral Seminary Rnbert Willhurn, Leo Irnm Oitorrt.

HUNTINOTON Roy Hollooelet, Belhesda trom South Pleasant Ralph Bowman. Llavoool Irom Mum" Normal Cilv. Orlo Hibbs. Etna Circuit trom West Polnl-Tiinlly. BUKljfck CHEF 3367 MICH.

Emp man, pt ent showers. ME 7-B204. Furnishing Rentals ST, iffiT 3 Rm. betn. en utiii llel turnlshed.

637-3896 901 E. 42nd ST. 1 Emoloved Gentleman, 925-4877 enw 1-iaiwini. CHILOCare. My "home, "lest side.

3 56 0202 CHILD" CARE My home 3Bth, Post Rd, BvB-UOB SOO tick ft wanted, pay regular price, prefer or E. 241-7346 WANT 4 "500" ticVefs Siena or Tower Terrace. 253-1733. NR Aireert, AMison'S. Shr, kitch priv.

Refs. Gent. 243-6753. 110 Rooms With Board CHILD CARE, my home. 512 NEAR 38th and Meridian, for employed girls.

Community kitchen. Air-conditioned. 924 1465, 923-8342. 3700 BLK. Meridian, pt shower, rels, genlleman.

926-8803. NICELY furn rm. Large cloi, desk, oarkino, cmn 634 IUJ05 HANKEMEIER Edna M. Hankemeier. 2149 Ringgold wife ot fhe late Christopher Hankemeier, mother of Alberta Frllsch, Walter Hankemeier, Elizabeth Hankemeier, sister of Emma Gibson, Walter Cox, also survived by 7 grandchildren, passed away Tuesday p.m.

Funeral Friday, 1 at Ihe J. C. WILSON CHAPFL OF CHIMES. 1234 Prospect St. Friends invited.

Friends may call after 2 p.m. Thursday, HARDERN Miss Eliza Hardern, age 97. years, Central CI. Days and eves, 926 1059 EMBOSSED BUSINESS cards and leiterhe.ids. Fast service.

634-1222. HAIR REMOVAL CLINIC 787-6769 307 EAST UTH, J91.S0, nice 2-bldrm aot. bath, all util od. Sit today. 637 Uli.

5300 215T 357 1182 HAWTHORNE MANOR Newly weds, mature edultl end sing tee. OPEN DAILY-3 Sal-Sun 14 37 WEST 21St ST, lotrefy effie and 1-bedrm aot. bath, heat, wfr od. Stove, ret turn. levator bldo.

ngw, 637-1428. LOVING CARE for your child 39th And Emerson area. 547-9234. CHILD CARE DAYS" Fiperlented. 6318714 QUALIFIED Taachers available for WILSON- In loving memory of mv grandmother, ANNA M.

WILSON, Whn cas ed away May 17, 1966. Sunshine passes, shadows fall. Love's remembrance outlasts all. -Sill ELDERLY LADY fo room and board, 36 Elltabelh. 359-4313.

"PLEASANT home, teed food, Private rm. Nr Ft Jig Man. 63 1400 E. Clean room, good food. Emp man, 637 4710.

3700 near Meridian. Room for 1 gentleman. 926-S2J6. tutoring. B6-717J alter J.

SLEEPING rms, linen turn. Gen BABY SITTING Lie, home fenced rd Gd me.iis. Care, 357-7938 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION Notice is hereby given the Myers of The Metropolitan School District of Warren Township, Marion Courdv. Indiana that the Board Education of said District at its Soar? Meeting Room at Woodview Junior High School, 901 North Post Road, Indianapolis. Marion county.

Indiana, at 7:30 P.M., EOT, on Wednesday. June 4. 1969, will consider the following additional aopro-rtriation which said officers consider necessary to meet Ihe extraordinary emergency enisling at Ih.s time. Cumulative Building Fund To provide funds for the acquisition ol land and improvements thereon, i any, for two (2) elementary school building sites consistinq of approximately forty-eigtn (481 acres and (16) acres, "-ym The foregoing appropriation is in addition to all appropriation sorovidcd tor in the existing budget and icvy; and an extraordinary emergency for such appropriation exists by reason ot the inadequacy of tha present iMns-nations to provide the necessary services end school facilities In said district The appropriation lor the Cumulative Building Fund is of moneys on hand in such Fund and to be received tor such Fund on account of tax collections In the year 1969. Taxpayers appearing at such meet-ing shall have a rlqhl lo be heard thereon.

The additional appropriation as finally made will be automatically referred to the State Board ol Tax Commissioners which Commission will hold lurther hearing within fifteen (151 days at the County Auditor's office of Marlon County, Indians, or at such other okaci as may be designated. At such hearing taxpayers obiectlng to such additional loorncr.a-tion may be heard and Interested taxpayers may inquire of the County Auditor when and where such hearinq win be held. The Metropolitan School District of Warren Township. Marlon County, Indiana Hy John T. Taylor, Secretary ot its Board ot Education LOSE WEIGHT safety with Oen-a- diet tablets.

Only 8c. Hooks Drugs. dial a ILISSINU 717-3245 figmncniY. BVB-M8. FURN end unf urn apti.

Illinois. 636 8-Q3 flflrr 5 nm. NEED FURNITURE? RENT IT! With Option To Buy Rent 3 rooms of new fine fashioned furniture for budqel lo luxury adi low a $25 mo. For more info phone 636 4411 or visil our dlsrilftv moms Mon thru St 9 to 6. Open till 9 Mon and Thurs.

Friedman Furniture RENTAL CO. 1011 N. PENN 7 Funeral Directors 711 I KIND, ATTENTIVE CARE I BABYSITTING In my home by Ihe I For handicapped lady. Reas. 632-1770.

week. Weil. 6319906. Luxurious 3-Bedrooms 45 Business Services 45 Business Services 45 Business Services ABDON O'RILEY MORTUARY 45 Business Services 1509 PROSPECT 631-1474 SOUTH BEND David Bernett, Bremen Grace from Remington. William Breil.

Mishawaka cnalbush from Hartford City Trimly. PMIIipa Smith. Misbawaka First fioti West lalavetie First Paul Garner, Maole Grovp trom 1 eeuaiden James Russell, New Carlisle Irnm Gary City associate James Miller. Broadway Christian Parish Irom Indianapolis New York Slreel Een Bergwall Jr South Bend Fust associate (first aooomtmtnt). Harold Brtrm.

South Bend Maole 1 ane trom loqansporl Third Street Carl lemna, South Bend Rver Park from i alaveite SI Andrews Noins King, Tynei Teegarden liom Leilers Ford. CHANCE FUNERAL HOME 504 National Ave, 714-3546 DORSEY FUNERAL HOME Stale Rescinds Ok Tor Site Of SeM School STAR STAir RHeORT Shelbyville, Ind. Approval of a proposed site for a new consolidated high school midwav hetver Wald and Morriltown has heen prescinded. Dr. Robeit Perry, assistant to the state's superintendent -of public instruction, made thr announcement The school gut I amoin Hand.

Ctnmesvuir vi from I acwill Woodrnw MnilH. Huntington trinity from fclkharf First. Tony Hardclslle. UPMIWM WB Maple Grove Ine Bear. I arwill Oak Grove from Butler ire Ult Keith Burch.

liberty Mills from North Manchester Dale Bardsley, I inrolnville "om Etna Carl Baker, Nnrlh Manchester trom RoMrf Aieiander, Packtrton Pleasani Grove from Etna Troy Merrill Harlman Pieasaif Chanel ion from Slockdale. Tei Carl Thomeson. Rich Vallty from I In-colnville. Mac klvn Bradrsh Somerset from otl Wayne Simeson associate Eiwood Walker Wabash South Side from Bremen Donald Poyser, Burkel (torn Kunmell KOKOMO Thomas Frost AncTervin OlUvhem tmm Mishawaka Flrsl Pelin eum 3925 New York 357-1173 ERYICE REBUR 3801 N. Meridian PRESTIGE LOCATION SECURITY FARLFY FUNERAL HOME M50 N.

High School Rd. 291-1193 1404 W. Morris 638-2388 GRINSTEINER FUNERAL HOME 1061 E. New York 632-5374 RENT NEW FURNITURE Monthly pymts, 24-hr free delivery. Showrooms at 2711 E.

Prospect, AMERICAN Furniture Leasing, 61.1 8P14 LET EXPERIENCED HANDS DO YOUR SERVICE OR REPAIRING pf 1723 N. Meridian, sister of Mrs. Violet Lindsay, Chesterton, Mrs. Lucy Mae Kirk. Alexandria, and Mr.

Andrew P. Hardern, Lakeland. Fla. Serv Ices Thursday. 10 am.

at SHIRLEY BROS. CENTRAL CHAPEL, 946 Illinois SI. Celling anytime. HOLLAND Mrs. Helen M.

Holland, ege 7J, of 5365 Moorcsville beloved wife of Gilbert Holland, mother of Mrs Catherine Oelveaux, Mrs. Margaret Coleman, Mrs. Irene Grider, Mrs Helen Evans, Charles, Robert. Laurence. Clarence and Arthur Holland, also 31 grandchildren, 17 great grand-rhildren.

Funeral Thursday 1:30 a.m., FARLEY FUNERAL HOME. 1604 W. Morris and 9:00 a.m.. at Assumption Catholic Church Calling any time. K.EPPER Earl T.

Keoper, 3250 E. 34th St. entered into rest Wednesday, age 11. husband of Mrs. Thelma H.

Kepocr, father of Mrs, Thelma Brown ard Mrs. Amelia L. Blackmore, grand-lather ol 3, great-grandfather ol 5 Services 10 a.m. Saturday, HARRY MOORE ARLINGTON CHAP EL, 5111 E. 31th St.

Calling after mm Then do something about it! Have a night on the town take in a show. have dinner at a quiet restaurant dance at a lively night spot or visit an art exhibit. 6. HT HERRMANN Phone 143 4parfments Unfurnished HAULING PAINTINC 632 8488 787-7211 1505 EAST 6141 MADISON AVE. 926-2347 1 PAINTING EXT CEMENT WORK CONCRETE AND CARPENTRY Driveway lloor, patio, walks, steps, atr Room additions.

Remodeling. Free est. 787-2243 787-6229. ACCOUNTING BOOKKEEPING and tei servicl. Your work oleked up and promptly rtlurned.

637-1181. Serving cent Ind. AIR CONDITIONING mmif f-fvusi HISEY TITUS 951 N. DELAWARE 631-4540 JORDAN" FUNERAL HOME HELEN JORDAN 436-4303 2428 E. 10th 636-4304 INS.

RE SEE ME BEFORE YOU DECIDE. FREE EST. m-ini PAPE CLEANING PAPER CLEANING, Wall washlnt. Noble Franklin, 547-5795. T.

Moynahan Management LIGHT HAULING AND MOVING Stoves, Refrigerators. Furniture Allies, Basem*nti Cleaned Free Estimates Call 63B-814S TRASH "HAULING Garage, varel bsml, cleanino. 7 DAYS WEEK. You call-We haul. 631-4123.

HAUL ANYTHING. CTtin bimiT garages. Trash barrels emptied. SI Callus -6243; LIOHTHAULINO moving, attics ant bsmts cleaned 24 hrs, 7 days wk serv 631-3661 I Death Notices CONCRETE AT ITS BEST DR I VEWAY-Walk-Petto-Steps-Curb- ing containing walls. King, 636-7930 CHIMNEY 24-HK SERVICE, cleaning $9.50.

Strvict call S3. 20 yrs enter Lie Bonded 632 8919. ROOM AIR CONDITIONER SERVICE. FACTORY APPROVED FACILITIES. 353-2327 2539 N.

ALABAMA 4rm apt All ulils furn. 2nd fir 926 9231. 5247 BOY SCOUT Rd. 1 fldrm, "dli Inwnhouse, heat, water pd Carport SI 70. Adulls.

632 1335, 546434. 164? BROADWAY $75 3 Rms, hath, all utils Kev at Apt Adults only ME 2 2'84, MEW. 3544 CARROLLTON 4 Rooms, bath, all utils OKcept gas, 19J7 CARROLLTON, 3 rms, ulll lurn S70 Priv ent. Path, 293-5304 4130" CARVEL 2-Bdrm apt. Broad Ripple Area.

Bsml, stove, refrig. oarb disp. $114, 755-4903. LITTLE SONS 1301 Main St. Beech Grnvt, 7B6-I476 AIR COND and refrig ten and repair 357-8369 353 0305.

MARION lames Bovle. Bethel Irom FowlertrCn Grant Carl Brookshiie. Bluff ton Fnwnrth trmn Herbst Ooivald Sead. Bnehmer Immaniiel Hirst appointment I Russell Hall. Converse Irrao Koknmn Main Slreel assoc.

ate Ed Smyth. Otratur First associate (first appointment) Robert SiPlt. rnwlerton. Grant Irnm Mount Olive William Kalstt Hertford City Trinity from North Manchester Paul Flowers. Herbst from Biuttton Epsvorth.

Robert Geartieart. Jonesborn trom Mai well Robert I Glass. Marion Flrsl associate from North Indiana Conference staff vrrnoo Dunmire. Marion Ninth street Union Chapel (Blacktofd County) (torn Union Chapel Glfn Harness, Marlon Sunnvcresi from New Castle Flrsl antxiale Leon LaCoai. Mctnloelier-Rotl from Kokomo Shi loh George Ftnslermaiher.

Mount Carmel Hirst appointment) Harold Ulrev. Pleasanl Mills Salem trom Bo. hmer Immanuei Ntl Reed. Prpsostct trim Decalut Flltt as so tale Ruhard Sumner. Sweetser Irom Milford I Feirtelm, Mount Olive frnm Pleasant Mills Salem PAPER HANGING PAPER "HANGING" and Painting, patch plastering Free estimates.

Im- mediate service 638-5704. A-1 PAPERHANGING 30 Years" eioer Reas Shenard. 631-6716. PAPER HANGING, cleaning. Free est.

Reas. Clark, 636-7926. "PAPERING St UPSAMPLE" CHIMNEY WORK No Job Too Small Oil and Gas Liners Wl2'B5 CHIMNEYS Built, repaired, lined, cleaned. Inspected. Lie.

contractor. 636 3564j ALUMINUM SIDING TRASH HAULING and GARAGE, bsml, cleaning. For quick 24 hr, 7-day a-week service, call 359-2797. Hilton Whilaker, Kokomo Mln Slreel from Michigan Clfv First Tom Ford, Kokomo Mam Street assn i iate trom Pleasant Chapel inn loseph Andrews, Mlchigantown Hopewell (first ap e-- Fred Mnssburg, Sharnsnllt (first ap polntmfol). Garth llei Shilnh from Mnnloelier William Simpson, liolon from Rorhester r.nity Fred Vincent, Meckievllla Mtchanicsburi from Deoygr CWII LAFAYETTf Roy lMr, Brmghursi Radnor Irom Sharpsville Larry Rai Colfai Nw llirst ap to.ntmtnt).

GiH tltaytllt Christ from North Indiana Conference staff Marvin Anderson, Montmorenci Mt Zion trom Albion Rlcha.o fh.npeii Oilord from MHton Per.nns, Remington Irom I la. pen I Hubert Barlow, Wtst lfVtHt First James Dwver We I 1 list pa.ish visito. (first appotntmenti trom Fort Wayne Fust I oil Wayne Slreel Hprschet Over Yeoman tfnm for! Trinity astociatt VICKSBURG 672 Woodale Terrace, Greenwood On block south of Greenwood Cerlir, 1 block west on Carr St Spacious luiurv apti with carports, 12 or 2-bdrm with den available now. Beautifully appointed n.odei. Open neon till dark.

Adults. 881-8337 M- Manageers 243'82H has heen the subject of much controversy. Petty said several residents of the Shelhv Fastern School District voiced opposi tion to the project at a regular meeting of the general commission of the State De partment of Puhln Instruction Tuesday. He said the approval was rescinded pending further study and an opportunity for the district's officials to prepare answers to the ohiec lions before the next com mission meeting 17. Groups have been organ EVANSTON ALUM SAI ES Carport Patie Covers S79 2 9089 7074 hvanston SAVE NOW.

Fret est en Alcoa alum siding. Enpert work. 787-1293, 7050 WASH, 3447 N. COLLEGE S342 E. WASH, ST.

CONTRACTING BEN DAVIS COLONIAL IRVINGTON NORTHEAST JUNK CARS removed, S3 each. Must be on 2 tires. 636-1095 or 359-8812. TRASH and It hauling, buy lunk arid furn. 637-9667.

Interior paint, ng. 787 1 913 783-1917 2530 STATION St, 46 I RICH top-fill dirt. Hone, travel, sand. Cat hi-lifl. Cat doier.

Case berkhoe, tandem dump truck. Rental euuipment. 787-7189. BAsem*n LAvvKtNLE B05I fc. MAIN OFFICE LI 61564 7 p.m.

Thursday, KRUZA Mr. Ansis A Kruza, 7527 Broadway, brother of Mrs. Olga Ballaisvilks, passed away Tuesday. Funeral Thurs day morning, 1C o'clock, FLANNER BUCHANAN FALL CREEK MORTUARY. No calling.

MATRY George J. Matry, 63 years, of 365S Bluff beloved husftand of Mae A. Matry. father of Mrs. Leslie McGurer, Mrs.

Albert FoulHt II, Richard Leo F. Matry; brother of Michael and Theodore Matry, 5 grandchildren, passed away Tuesday. Funeral Friday. I P.m.. G.

H. HERRMANN MADISON AVE. FUNERAL HOME, 5141 Madison Ave. Friends Invited. ARNOLD Mrs.

Bessie t. Arnold. Vooresyilie. wife of James Arnold, mother ol Harold Arnold, grandmother ot 2. pessea awey Servir Friday 1:10 p.m.

CARLISLE SON. FUNERAL CHAPEL, Mooresvllle. Friends may ca'l al the chapel. BABEL Mrs June Hodson Gibbs Babel, Plentetlon, aunl ot Mrs Eleanor Moote and Mr, A L. McColloum passed away Wednesday.

Graveside services Satuidav iflernonn I n'clock Crown Hill Cemetery. FLANNER BUCHANAN service. BOAZ Mrs Ruby E. Boar, age 68, mMjjU of Mrs. Mariorie Adams, and William Boaz, both ol Indianapolis, died Tuesday.

Funeral services Saturday 10 a.m. at the FLINN and MAGUIRE ciiucpii HOME In Franklin, Ind. PAPER STEAMING INSURED 15 Yrs enper Mr. Hendren, 636 3 724 PAPER HA NO, Point. iTtam.

ret' est. Rcai Moore. 924 0039. SSB COLLEGE, 170, 3-rm, bath, all util pd. rel lum.

See custodian, 437 1428. 4650 CRESTVIBW Or 2 Bdrm brick dble SI25 month 2SS-2354, 2320 OAWSON. 2 Bdrmi, rangi, refrig. W.i'er furnished. SB5.

1434 DELAWARE HI rise, elevator oldg All util pd. Aoolicatons now being taken at office. 9 Lan Ohio S'ree', 6371128. 1040 FAIRFIELD AVE Lovely" 1 bedrm apt, bath, heat wtr od. stove, ret turn.

Gd loc. See lodav. 437- LIGHT Hauling and spring clean up. Reas rates. 631-3953.

haul Away anything. clEJn gar. Call any lime 971 7S91 FURNITURE Moving, general haul- Ing, insured. 7B6-2094V LIOHT HAULING. TRASH, ITC.

Oaragt cleaning. Reas, FL 9-9878. FREE FILL DIRT 2121 Hillside. 925 3311 FILL DIRf LOADING 1 Aile truck 12. tandems S4.

5840 W. Hanna 56 -6344 TOP SOIL, fill dirt, item, gravel and sand. Reas. 241-6003. WET BAsem*nTS MADE DRY By time tested method backed by yean of tiperitnce.

Written guarantee. At a price you can afford, S. M. HORSLEY, WATERPR60F ING 783-2009. BAsem*nTS WATERPROOFED By proven method.

44 Yrs. making bsmts dry. Written guar. Terms. FHA approved TRIANGLE WATERPROOFING, 359 4490 EAST 21st NEAR ARLINGTON WINDSOR VILLAGE PLASTFRING RESIDENTIAL patch plaiterlng til ail types.

For free est, prompt ser, CaM Spears, anytime, 787-2776. PATCH PLASTER (DineCTlietT Smooth work. Immed Serv sm or Ig Free estimate AT J-4J54. PATCH Plaster. 24-Hr lerviee oner" ranteed.

Clean-up after. CaH Soeers, 439 2084 Arlington Lftapel, 3111 3tth St Peace Chaeet 2050 E. Michigan St. GENERAL HAULING. Clean UP.

Wrecking garages, 638-1857, LXCAVATINO and Dump Truck service Drives, parking lots. 925 9577 ROYSTER ASKIN 2311 WASHINGTON 637-43M HAULING any kind trash and clean up work 345-995 after 3 30 pm. W. L. MOVERS.

Lg or small. Day 0' nloht. Quick serv. Irs. 431 689f Rental 1-2-3-Bedroom Apti.

Furnished and Unfinished Rents S97 up Newly pointed. Ranch Home-. With Lawns. On City Bus Line Model 4104 Eest 21st. Tel.

356-9847 or 337-4333 TOP SOIL, fill dirt, sand, travel, crushed stone, 681-1126. PAINTING, Roofint, Repair Glitter-ina Free estimate 898-5446 CRAWL SPACE-basem*ntt rages, fret estimates, 632-7746 11? FLETCHER EH apt, all utiis paid. Range, refrig. private filth Adults mo. 637-4884.

BOB GRAVES AlTOR 632 5441 1226 I' LINOII- (70. nice effie aot. All util pd, Stove, ret lum See naw. 171 KING 1 bdrm apt redec, gd SB7.50. 4-745 4140 4134 LAUREL Hall Or Nice 2- TRASH Barrels for tale.

Cltan ue. ROBERT W. STIRLING 1420 72 PROSPECT 632-4374 USHER FUNERAL HOME 2313 W. WASHINGTON 632 9352 2' YEAR EXP Patch elastnr.nn Free est Done cheap. 438-7481 "PATCH PlMftflftf.

Clean up after." A H. Catobiui A Son. 181 4142 BRICK WORK T6 l6ll atf) All. haul away anything. 347-6286 There are always things to do, olaces to go and things to see in ndiana and you'll know all about them if you read the "LET'SGO" pageeach week in The Sunday Star.

This convenient guide to leisure-time activity gives advance information on concerts, lectures, plays, sports events, art exhibits, shows and many other interesting and important events. "LET'S GO" tells you when, where and what's 7: HOUSECLEANING LAUREL LAKE APTS. J. C. WILSON SPRING CLEANING Wall washing, pairtmg, ml, tt.

359-1725. iwr iuic rvn wmum nww 253-7166 RICH TOPSOIL, till "dirt, crushed slone, gravel, cinders. 784-6822. bdrm apt. Enclosed garage, heal 1 2- and 3-Bdrms Now leasing.

Just water pd. Adults only SI45 mo 544 north of Greenwood Center. AM util'. w.O 1 Model oncn daily. 881 455 Rotten St.

Pierrt, Pres. 1734 Pro S' 637 9431 6 1 t-DING REMODELING NEW AND remodeling construction. Concrete, masonry, plumbing, heating to llnishtd carpentry. Gel our laii complete estimate Free nlan service. Complete builders Coro.

924-251 1 Wt do It all. res id and comm'l Paneling spec of smell lobs. Fret est. Concrete, block work. tHRlP-TLE REMOD ELING.

3731 E. 10th, 639-5476. LANDSCAPING DRIVEWAYYARD gradmt. Stone, II Florists, Memorials gravel, top soil, (III dirt. 784 3954 TREE Trimmings, removing, landscaping, spraying, lot clearings, Mulching.

Ins Eank eardl accepted. 856-4238. McMillan Mrs. Mary M. McMillan, aoe 6.

3IS3 Davis Dr mother ol Donald I and Clarence A. McMillan, 12 grand-children, slsler ol Albert and Harry Fahrbach, Mrs. Clara Cast. Mrs Rosette Carroll, and Mrs Lucille Liddle. Servire Saturday 10 AM, SHIRLFY BROS IRVING HILL CHAPEL.

5377 Wash, Calling alter 4 p.m. Thursday. MURPHY Mrs. Lucille Murphy. 71 years, 30M Manslieid, motnor ol Mrs.

ihansne Johnson, 6 grandchildren, 2 greatgrandchildren, sister of Mrs. Mae Twines, Mrs. Cherlena Hibbitt and Lincoln Murphy, passed away Tuesday Services Saturday, 1 P.m.. New Bethel Baptist Church. Interment New Crown Cemetery.

Friends may call at the KING KING CHAPEL aler 6 m. Friday, PAERI Mr. Jaan Paeri, ege 10, ol 1021 N. Keallng, husband ol Mrs Anna Pat 1 sister. Services Thursday at I o.m S.HIBIFY BROS.

DREXEL CHAP- eWAiNITAns, DRIVEWAY and parking lot grading. Stone, lop soil, gravel. 856 6490. 100 PCT TOP load. Driveway slone.

Northeast. 546-3197 CALL I'LL HAUL. Too soil, Stont, sand, gravtl, trash.7B7.4700 DRY WALL I WflRK FIREPLACES ROOM ADDITIONS Friends may call Thu.sday trom 5 unfit 9 p.m. end Irom until 9 Friday. Burial Greenlawn Ceme'ery BUCKLAND Mrs Augusta Burkland, 1201 N.

Oxtord enter'd into rest Wednec day, age IS. mother ot Mrs Jeanne Nahas, grandmother ot Mrs. Jeanne McGowan, Mrs. Catherine RcletrtfMi Victoria, Bradley and Kevin Nhas Services Thursday om. HARRY MOORF PEACE CHAPEL, 20S0 Mich.

St Calling any lime. Burial Faiciew, New Jersey. CHILDRESS Kenneth Ry Childress, il years, 1641 Ashury St be oved son ot Carroll and Elizabeth E. Childress, broth- lev. riAicP TOPPING and trimming, removing.

Trim evergreens and spray. 359 9453. TREE TOPPING, WlnTer removal Free est Call anytime. 438-9465. Jl "Soy il with lowers" 2457 MADISON ST6 0431 SCHAEFER MONUMENT CO.

3405 Graceland Ave. 924 J232 WANT AD RATES Number Service Clio'g $1 00 Count Woi.l THESE RATES APPLY TO All DIRECT ADVIRTISINO lOM INDIVIDUALS OR IRMS WITHIN THE STATE Ol INDIANA Phone 633-1212 PLUWBlNG "PLUMBING STOPPED "UP Call Rnlo Rooter Free Est. North 975 8988 East 359 5575 South 787-9486 West 241-2863 Charge Laid Pig and Repair Tile SMITHES PLUMBING, Drainage, ieer lines cleaned S'ti. toilet floor drains SI? SO New to. let ints.S55KJtflucelsS32.35? 8992.

PLUMBING TROUBLES?" Don't tun. Call us for fist service. Eves, wtedns, 897 7916. FL 9-4IYI. "COMPLETE FtTpilij repairs Prompt 24 hr terv.

Lie, bonded. Call backs no entra charge. 432-3539. PLUMBING REPAIR lewer cln, Lie, Bonded Ins. Pumpi Inslld.

re-paired Town-Civ Chn 434-7447. NEW In Bunnell. Need work. Low on prices 4 3 7.1424 24 Hr serv. LOW ON Work.

24 Hr nrv. Plumb, an, thHg. 637 162f. PLUMBING and REPAIR. Free estimates BONDED 632-1870 EVERY WHEHE, ALL KINDS tree work.

Trim, re move. Fully insured. 631-7014. BRICK BLOCK STONE 0.KING 6M-7930 'ii MASON work. Brick, block, cement, porches, steps, walks, drives.

A-1 work. Call Tony, 637-8031. ALL TYPES accousticel or suspend' ed ceilings, doors and windows. Largt Shee frock SpacVl ing ST 4 6955 TREE TRIM. Removing.

Firewood Free est. 293-0643. Call atler 5:30 DRY WALL Specialist's Palth Work and remndeling. 786-2441 ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND SHRUBBERY TRIMMING or sman iodv ij-ojji SPRAYING, 357 14 Mousoleums, Lots TSMTANToTrTryTrrTTloTiTl Cemetery, Pond Value 291 3519. CENTRAL air cone', kitcfttni, baths SODDING, top toil end ilona.

924- 4159, afler 3, 973-9172 remodeled. Furnaces, asmts nnisneg Floors. Panei'ng. B52-4JI4. 20 Lest and Found MOVING RESIDENTIAL Wirlnt.

old-new. City and county-wide, air cond. ranges, dryer outlets, will olugs, rewiring 60 and lOOamp fuse botes. Use your Midwest Charge Card Lie. In-lured.

J. C. ELECTRIC Frtt Ell. 787-4485. EL, titi E.

10th. Celling any time. PHILLIPS Olney (Chummyl Phillips, R. I. CABINETS ft -FORMICA SINK TOPS Buy at Builders Prices.

639- HAH MOVERS. Covered van Insured. Free estimates. Anytime 359-U58 353-1206 I OST Male Blk Rascal. Blue studded Collar, vie 28th, Harding.

Rew. 926-0658 2003 PRINTING COMPLETE residentiel nrvlct, ntw nr rewire. Lerger fuse boxes, electric WEODINCi INVITATIONS JONES MOVERS. 1-Pc or full ttoust. will buv furniture you don't need, 359 73 74, FOR Cabinets, tet our before you buv.

BANDY LBR. 636- 6765, MrM Printed Products 544-3314 LOST. Black leather kev case. Cir, oilier keys. Reward, 951 Pennsylvania, Mf.

Matthews LOST small, whtlt'tey male "poodle," vk of 14th and OMflftOtBrtt Reward, toed at both Morrlstown and Wsldron to oppose the move, which would eliminate high sc hools in both towns. Si in li Of Insect Fatal To Texan Abilene, lex (UPI) Mrs. Zealand Jo Lindlev, 43 years old. died Tuesday from the sting of a yellow jacket Mrs. Lindlev was stung on the thumb as she removed clothes from a line at her 'home.

Her husband said she tried to relieve the pain inputting an ice i uhe on the ating. He said she then collapsed. A spokesman at Hendrick Memorial Hospital said Mrs. 1 indley was dead on arrival. He said stings such as Mrs.

I. indley suffered could set off a fatjl reaction. Teacher Hiked ITAR TATf tfRORT Peru, Ind, An overall in-crease of 7.2 per cent in teacher's salary schedule for Ihe coming school year at North Miami Consolidated School Corporation was adopted Tuesdav night 'The 3schedule runs from to $11,658. 60 Million Bison heet, range, dryer outlets Free tit. A-1 Electric.

356-1016, 293-4 6 77. HOFFMAN ELECTRIC, 634-7061 Sptc In house wiring, new, old or repair. 24-Hr emergency servlct. Mosiey Son Electric Strvict 24 Hour Strvict 638 9618 293 2417 1 1 Time Wprdt Lines Soneov Doily 3 Ooyt 4 Dovi 5 Oiys I 4 Oeys 7 Boys lOOiys T-9 Ji io f.80 4,80 "5.60 TOO T.O Tib 12,00 10-T5 3 270 2.70 jj6 8.40 1 050 11.70 12.60 18.00 16-21 4 3.60 3.60 9 60flT20T4.00 1560 16.80 24.00 "22-27 12.00 14.00 17.5o1l9.50 21. 00 30.00 28-33j6 5.40 5.40 uToll 6.80 21 00 2340 25.W36:00 34-39 7 6.30 6.30 16.80 19.60 24.

50 27.30 29.40' 4200 40 45 8 7.20 7.20 19.20i22.40 28.00j31.20 33.60 48.00 46-51; 9 8.10 8.10 21.60 25.20 31.5035.10 37.80 54.00 52-57 10 9.00 9.00 24.0oj28.00 3500 3900 42.00 60.00 58-63 1 1 9.90 9 90 26.40 30.80 38.50l42.90 46.20 66.00 64-69 12 10.80 10.80 28.80 33.60 42.00146.80 50.40 72.00 70-75(13 11.70111. 70J31.20 36.40 45.50 50.70 54.60 78.00 76-81 1 14 12 6ol2.6o'33 60 39.20 49 00 54.60' 58.80 84.00 LOST male' cat, part llemeae, effB old Vtnr lame. Lg. Reward. 753 tut.

LOif LlWR I Nfi ft German "ship pup, tray, blk, silvtr. Rew. 545- lew, FOUND Blk Poodle. twatr musl pav lor ad 547 8981. happening in and around Indianapolis.

Read the "Let's Go" pageeach week in The Sunday Star and liven up your life. CARPENTER vVQRK Do Your Floors Shake or Sat?" We replace floor loisft and sills, block a'd level Honrs TAYLOR'S FLOOR SERVICF RR i Bedford, Ind 275-2520 CEILINGS, Panelint, doors. All type rdoairing On.i or price. Free esi. 357-0793.

2570246. CARPENTRY, remodeling, all re pairs, A 1 work. Free est. 545-1B29. ACCOUSflC Bt" luminous Ins.

Free oil. 24 1 -0468 A-1 CARPENTRY or gutt-imu Real, no gbloo -7908 FENCING" AVD CARPENTRY WORK. 635-6214. COaiesvllie, oeioveo tamer or nniv Agnes Burroff. Delles.

Texas, Herbert Phillips, Canton, Mrs. Thelma Clugh. Lafayette, Walter Phiiiip-, Greene-''. Mrs. leia Ma Smvthe, Coalesvllle, Frank Phil-lips, Coalesvllle, CHIford Phillips, Coatesvilic.

Mrs. Rutn Wiggems, Hen dlelon end Mrs. Dorothy Slokley, Thailand, granolather ol 21, goal grandfather of 18, also survived by 1 brother, Aldus Phillios, R.R. 1, Coalesvllle, passed away. Servires Saturday 2 WEAVER I NT PAL HOMF Coalesville Burial Coalesvllle Friends may call after noon Friday.

PRICE Joseph Allen Price Jl fit f0 if, Petersburg. Fla, formerly ol Indianapolis, hu'batd ot Cynthia Price, St Petersburg, father ol Joseph Al len Price Trenton, N. 5 grandchildren, I great-granddaughter Funeral Thursday, May 77, I JMBi SHIRLEY BROS IRVING HILL CHAPEL, 5377 E. Wash. SI Calling alter I a.m.

Thursday. W2 EXTERMINATING Kill Roaches Waterbuqs Mice LAWN SPRAYING 926 9689 SI 50 PER RM. S2.50 Bsmts, atllCI, S3 Service call. Can slay at home while work lidone. Lie.

bonded. FLOORS ROOFING POOF LEAKS' GUTTERS" DRIP' Oyirk Serv Terms Good Work 6327722 MORTONS 632-7722 A 1 ROOFING and GUTTERING Ne and repair, vr enoer, fast servitemsur.inie43i:53. ROnFINC. and airll'trlne." New "or" reoair. Shinglet, lile, wood shuoes, 0.1 Ull foul Mi fit.

Socldv I'fvir" Call day or niohl. 434-4144 ADAMS Slale and lite tooling ftpalr and gulter cleaning and oalntinq. 435-4141. ROOF, GUTTERS. New "or" repairing House painting.

Get our ree tsts. 2574793, 1374)244. ROOFS New or repair, gutters paint. JAY'S MOVERS 438 703 Covered vani, free timate, insured BRUCE'S Waitlist MtVtr'l.

2444294 Cove ed van. Iniu r. Free etllmttt. CARA VAN Movers. Covered van ins, Free esl.

243-0214 ADAMS MOVING and storage Will buy (urn youjlon'l need. 431 7974. inwooo' Mtverr "Civtrtd vie. Free estimate. Jnsur.

356.3847. PAINT ING Al7o3.rrn" hserouliide7 Tcoif Hint, 150. Free est, 24 yr exp, ref. Ins. I work mm story, 974.18.W "PAINT IN 6, "St, 'ent.

Yrt twir, No iob loo small or bit. Free rales, mmed er- 632 loll INTERIOR "and enterior "painting Odd 1'ibs and yard work. Call eves between 7-9 pm, 925 2073. INT. EXT Painting Prte tst In IS vrs yo.

359-2492, INT EXT "painting, carpentry" work, all work ng. Free est. 3i9-6022. HOUSE PAINTINO, int. eit, 13 VfV exp JAB Painting, 356-4157.

HAMMOND BROS. PaintlntJfit, titT Reas tales, free tit. 544-5040. OUTSIDE home" peltHTni, "reel prici LOST vie 4900 Wash, malt co*cker fj givv w-rtd collar. 3S6-O03I LOST man's irlit wtfeft, retirement gilt.

Htm 846 8182. LOST while Pomeranian, male, vie Perry Manor. 713-0407 eft 6. LOSf Reward, 1 female SMHr vie, 23th and Post Rd. 878 6065.

LOfT man's blllftld. Important lob windows 894 7617 FLOORS, carpets and cleaned. Painting. Rtas Alva A Oakt, years. Ml' Court beloved husband or r1 h'mV4 National Ave '0 a St 'udf r.hNo;,Churrh, Rerita.inn of rosary Thursday lit Friends may call.

DAVIS Uf M.irrv Davis, 4965 Crittenden. band of Mr" Irene, father Mt Judd Davis, 2 grandrhM. en passed away Tuesday Fun-ral afternoon I 30 or in, fcJSANj urp AND BUCHANAN BHCinu RIPPLE MORTUARY. Friends In-vited. ENGLISH navld English, WSflj (jtW rona Court beloved husband of Sharon Enolish ather of Anna Christine Fn nsh son ol Edward and Rose English, brother of Edward VV Allan i.rry nd Parb" F-imsiv 1 Thomas, Carolyn Koerner.

Dorothy mm, Judy Svck and Penny S'eadham, passed away Monday Fu- rrrlHav 9 a MADISON AVENUE FU-wfSai HOMF. 5141 Madison elSt Simon Catholic Church Friinos invited Rosiry Thursday, I p.m. FEVRIER Mrs Margarat Fevrier, II veers. 123 Edmondson No. I.

mother ol Mrs Fred Hoffman, grandmother ol Mrs' David A. Pasrh, orea FURNACE FURNACES cleaned and repaired, all makes 63 1640. papers. 925 0305 ia, sidmg.

f- ree nir. in tin. LOtt Blk Labrador ml tup, vie CARPETING OOUGLAS Carpet service." IfuTeilt turniture cleaning. Installation and rwajr356B46 QUALITY inilellationi let'. vice.

B462165, 8461055. CARPET Labor; pad, metal, 14.93 tg yd installed. Mt I 4406. 106th and Keystone, 846-5081. Rote, pur imp pr dOY Sundoy 90r rtoiV 90c.

3 doyi 80r. 4 or doy 70c, 6 doyj 6Jc 7 to 10 doyj 60c Dmty and tonMt.tivt day rottt covr, insefiion in both Th Morrnnf Sior ond Th Evening New. THIS6 RATES APPLY TO All OIRKT ADVERTISING FROM INDIVIDUALS Ot FIRMS IN THF STATE OF INDIANA. FURNITURE REPAIR REPAIR, Tnniue, touch up Rel Furniturt, Iree eslimatt. 783-3411.

GARAGE LOST Beetle, blk. Bt, wti, me't. Re Noblcsville area. 4 7 7 3 3 367. ROOFING Ne and repair.

72 Vrs tip. Free ANDERSON BROS Rooling, gulter Ing, siding, repair work. 787-4493 ROOF, NFW OR REPAIR FAST SERVICF 783-1474 ROOFING, SIDING, guttering, olas-ttr, repair work 438-5342. CEMENT WORK LOST Tigtr cat, black collar. Vic 4jnd Sherman.

545-96; i LOST Toy collu, tern, blk brown, vie 21st-Frankllfl. 359-8859 J07 Pinni-lwfln'ff Infllionorolti, 46.06 i'td Dunn' OARAGE DOORS REMODELED ADJUSTED NEW DOORS HAWK GARAGE DOORS 339-2044 GUTTERING ALL TYPES CONCRETE SEP IIC IANKS LOST Blk, bwn hound, am Dutch, vie She.oy, Berwrn, Rew. MB LOtt SMALL black dog vie 17th and 1linoisRewird743-2tl4J i ost whit Ptrilin Cat. Malt, no SEPTIC Tanki cleaned, repaired In stalled. I42-27U2, 717-2101.

Drivtwavs and Patios a Specially 6 Conaetl 3597418 STEPS, Sidewalks repaired tr re placed. Patios, drives Reas. AT 4334. SUB CONTRACTOR. Cement work.

The Indianapolis fyc Star GUTTERING AND SHEET METAL WORK. No iob too small or too large. 438-1640 GUTTER cleaning. "Trash heullnt ol RODGERS George Olio Rodgers. age 87, 5, Lebanon, passed awav Wednesday, father ot Mrs.

Russell (Mabel) Miller, Mrs. H. O. (Elolse) Walker and Sam Rodqers. brother ot Mrs.

Ethel Uhler, N. A. end Cecil Rodgers. Services Friday 10 30 a.m. at the RUSSELL HITCH PUNERAL HOME In Lebanon Burial Oak Hill Cemetery.

Calling enytlme. SMITH Mr Herbert W. Smith, 15 yiars, formerly ol 50 E. Raymond, beloved father of Manfred Carlo Frank and Earl W. Smith.

9 grandchildren, passed away Tuesday Funeral Friday 11:30 em THE O. H. HERRMANN FUNERAL HOME. 1505 Ees, SI Friends may call after 2 p.m.. Thursday, laws, jyr nnin alt kings, 24 nroay.

ids duy Th ratfi qvn heVt'" apply tpoc (or IK TK Sunday Star and le adytrtiitmenu puhdintd 111 betK Thp Morfimf SfOf and Th i Spoct way bt P-rKnitd nly Thp Memmi Str pr fht- i Ni oi ri at Se rtt Itntl AH, mtnii publnhtd mofmng oH vvAlflf 'b'no' will maiurpt nt for thf) i rue) ot computing hnaft end 'jR Iht'ftott AH t-'." wiM O'r'omofuoil, Ho pubUnod Nl COmbtnO'ton bnlh The Mofimg tf Tho LvnfiQ Nonri unlott ttrWlWtM doiignafpd by Advortnti. Cepr It' iamb i on fldvc' itmtni moy pal bo i-g-i h. mornmg and i tdrtttn, MOON VISITOR The scole tnodel Spider" spacecraft drifting in for a closer look at a make-believe moon is replica of the lunai module which will come within 9.3 miles of the surface of the real moon today with Apollo-10 Astronauts Thomas P. Stafford and Eugene A. Cernon on boord.

Betty Lou Byram of the Allison Division of General Motors Corporation holds a scale model of the command and service module that corned the three astronauts through space and into the moon orbit with Astronaut John W. Young at the controls. Allison built the propellent lank for both the serve module and the "Spider ol Plant 8 in TORM WINDOWS STORM DOORS and wmdew ripur All kinds. Also new replacements. Call RUSCO.

ME 9-45S9 Ipif BH, mete, dachshund, GUTTERING, rooting, "all" 'hamt pairs. 12 Yrs enper. S46 1039. Mil) Mil 86.QIB8. 6 1 1 I I 18.

EXPERIENCED painttrTTniiee and out Free tit, 635 1972 PAINtlNO, tnt-eit. Reel ratci. lis. 4127. interTOr interior Minting, TCtei price-, Call any lime, 784-2071.

FREE EST. intr. Cajl anytime. Do-Mar. 13 "YRS EXPn0UM painting, Inl, tFree est, Reas INTER IDS eiTorTor pal ntiitt free est Ref.

547 S027. "Rogue," vir Mlch-Tibbs, 638 7723 FOUND" wtddtm fine. 141-1917 Before a am ang an OS 10. Co. Cement, brick.

All kinds. 636-5998 SPiC to refill, paiiei. drive's, walks, TREE SERVICL HAULING YARD" WORTT TTim tvVrt'retni, HAUL TRASH OR ANYTHING) aner 3 om. LOST: REWARD white Samovet puppy vie 13th and Central 634 560B mother Of Janice ynne res Friday, 3 am. 5HIii-t oar to covers ins, jnnoep jwtito IhfUDMfY, 800 iprav rai mnn Clean and paint gulleri.

tow rates For convenient home delivery, coll Clean JismH and nngrs. PICK UP Triiri. fraih barrel ftr sale. 7B4 7094. CEMENT SUM, Wm firs.

Block wk Free est. 434 2440 LOST Black Persian malt cat. Answert to "Itikv" Rew 923.1117 BROS HIVING Hill. CHAPF-I. 5177 E.

Wash 51 Calling atlar Thursday noon When Europeans arrived in the United States, fiO million bison ranged grass lands from Canada io Mexico and from Pennsylvania to Oiegon. nepennanie 543.

The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.