List of Breathing Techniques of Demon Slayer (2024)

Do you know the power and name of all forms of breath of each type in Demon Slayer or Kimetsu no Yaiba? In this article we will list all the breathing techniques presented in the anime and manga.

It is worth remembering that some were not presented either in the anime or in the manga, so despite the number of forms of each category of breathing, we will not have the name of all of them.

The names of the breathing forms of Kimetsu no yaiba will first be in romaji, then in ideograms with the reading in furigana followed by a basic translation.

We also recommend reading:

  • Kimetsu no Yaiba Drawings | Demon Slayer Coloring Page, Download and Print
  • Top 8 Nezuko Cosplay from Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
  • Meaning of the Names in Kimetsu no Yaiba
  • 10 Ways to Say “Demon” in Japanese

Índice de Conteúdo

The numbering of breath forms in Japanese

Those who have a basic knowledge of Japanese can count from one to ten and even recognize the characters [一二三四五六七八九十], but in Kimetsu no Yaiba breathing forms this is quite different.

Although the reading and pronunciation of the numbers of the forms is practically the same, old ideograms are used to number. Throughout the article you will find different ideograms commonly used in old documents.

  • First Form - [壱ノ型] - Ichi no Kata;
  • Second Form - [弐ノ型] - Ni no Kata;
  • Third Form - [参ノ型] - San no Kata;
  • Quarta Forma - [肆ノ型] - Shi no Kata;
  • Fifth Form -[伍ノ型] = Go no Kata;
  • Sixth Form - [陸ノ型] - Roku no Kata;
  • Seventh Form - [漆ノ型] - Nana no Kata
  • Eighth Form - [捌ノ型] - Hachi no Kata;
  • Ninth Form - [玖ノ型] - Ku no Kata;
  • Tenth Form - [拾ノ型] - Jyuu no Kata;
  • Eleventh Form - [拾壱ノ型] Jyuu ichi no Kata;

The first character in the list above represents the number. The [ノ] is the particle [の] only written in katakana. The last character [型] means shape and style.

List of Breathing Techniques of Demon Slayer (1)

Ways of Breathing the Sun

Breathing derived from the Hinokami Kagura dance, the first and strongest breathing technique, the Hi no Kokyu [日の呼吸] or Breath of the Sun used by our protagonist Tanjiro Kamado.

The Sun Breath form has a total of 12 techniques, the infinite joining of the first and last forms an unnamed thirteenth form. Below we will see the name of each form of the breath of the sun:

  1. Enbu - [円舞えんぶ] - Dance;
  2. Hekira no ten - [碧羅の天へきらのてん] - Clear Blue Sky;
  3. Reshijitsu koukyou - [烈日紅鏡れつじつこうきょう] - Furious Sun;
  4. Gennichikou - [幻日虹げんにちこう] - Fake Rainbow;
  5. Kasha - [火車かしゃ] - Fire Wheel;
  6. Shakkotsu enyou - [灼骨炎陽しゃっこつえんよう] - Burning bones, Summer sun;
  7. Youkatotsu - [陽華突ようかとつ] - Sunflower Boost;
  8. Hirin kagerou - [飛輪陽炎ひりんかげろう] - Rifts;
  9. Shayou tenshin - [斜陽転身しゃようてんしん] - Sunset transformation;
  10. Kiki onkou - [輝輝恩光ききおんこう] - Benefit Radiance;
  11. Nichiun no ryuu kaburimai - [日暈の龍・頭舞いにちうんのりゅう かぶりまい] - Sun Dragon Halo Dance;
  12. Enbu - [炎舞えんぶ] - Dance;

There is an extra form that Tanjiro uses called Enbuissen – [円舞一閃えんぶいっせん];

List of Breathing Techniques of Demon Slayer (2)

Ways of Breathing Water

The Breath of Water

  1. Minamogiri - [水面切りみなもぎり] -
  2. Mizuguruma - [水車みずぐるま] - Water wheel;
  3. Ryuuryuuumai - [流流舞いりゅうりゅうまい] -
  4. Uchishio - [打ち潮うちしお] -
  5. Kanten no jiu - [干天の慈雨かんてんのじう] - Welcome rain after some dry weather;
  6. Nejireuzu - [ねじれ渦ねじれうず] - Twisted vortex;
  7. Shizuku hamondzuki - [雫波紋突きしずくはもんづき] -
  8. Takitsubo - [滝壺たきつぼ] -
  9. Suiryuu shibuki ran - [水流飛沫・乱すいりゅうしぶき・らん] - Drops and water flow disturbances;
  10. Seiseiruten - [生生流転せいせいるてん] - I will turn into a life;
  11. Nagi - [なぎ] -
List of Breathing Techniques of Demon Slayer (3)

The article is still halfway through, but we recommend also reading:

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Ways of Breathing Flowers

  1. [壱ノ型いちのかた:] - First Form
  2. Mikageume - [弐ノ型にのかた御影梅みかげうめ] -
  3. [参ノ型さんのかた:] - Third Form
  4. Benihanagoromo - [肆ノ型しのかた紅花衣べにはなごろも] - Safflower coat;
  5. Ada no shakuyaku - [伍ノ型ごのかた徒の芍薬あだのしゃくやく] - A peony potion;
  6. Uzumomo - [陸ノ型ろくのかた渦桃うずもも] - Peach vortex;
  7. Higanshugan - [終ノ型ついのかた彼岸朱眼ひがんしゅがん] -
List of Breathing Techniques of Demon Slayer (6)

Insect Breathing Forms

  1. Chou no mai - Tawamure - [蝶ノ舞 ちょうのまい戯れたわむれ] - Playful;
  2. Houga no mai -Manabiki - [蜂牙ノ舞ほうがのまい真靡きまなびき] -
  3. Seirei no mai - f*ckugan Rokkaku - [蜻蛉ノ舞 せいれいのまい複眼六角ふくがんろっかく] - Compound eye hexagon;
  4. Goko no mai - Hyakusokujyabara [蜈蚣ノ舞ごこうのまい百足蛇腹ひゃくそくじゃばら] - Hundred-legged snake belly;
List of Breathing Techniques of Demon Slayer (7)

Forms of Serpent's Breath

  1. Idagiri - [壱ノ型いちのかた委蛇斬りいだぎり] - Snake cutting;
  2. Kyouzunodokuga - [弐ノ型にのかた狭頭の毒牙きょうずのどくが] - Narrow-headed venomous fangs;
  3. Togurojime - [参ノ型さんのかた塒締めとぐろじめ] -
  4. [肆ノ型しのかた:] - Fourth form;
  5. Enenchouda - [伍ノ型ごのかた蜿蜿長蛇えんえんちょうだ] - Cobra curling;
List of Breathing Techniques of Demon Slayer (8)

Flame Breathing Forms

  1. Shiranui - [壱ノ型いちのかた不知火しらぬい] - unknown fire;
  2. Noborienten - [弐ノ型にのかた昇り炎天のぼりえんてん] - Flames on the rise;
  3. Kienbanshou - [参ノ型さんのかた気炎万象きえんばんしょう] - Air flames;
  4. Seiennouneri - [肆ノ型しのかた盛炎のうねりせいえんのうねり] - A wave of fire;
  5. Enko - [伍ノ型ごのかた炎虎えんこ] -
  6. [陸ノ型ろくのかた:] - Sixth Form;
  7. [漆ノ型しちのかた:] - Seventh Form;
  8. [捌ノ型はちのかた:] -
  9. Rengoku - [玖ノ型くのかた煉獄れんごく] - Purgatory;
List of Breathing Techniques of Demon Slayer (9)

Breath of Love Shapes

  1. Hatsukoi no wananaki - [壱ノ型いちのかた初恋のわななきはつこいのわななき] - The trap of my first love;
  2. Ounoumegurukoi - [弐ノ型にのかた懊悩巡る恋おうのうめぐるこい] - I'm in love;
  3. Koinekoshigure - [参ノ型さんのかた恋猫しぐれこいねこしぐれ] - A love cat bath;
  4. [肆ノ型しのかた:] - Quarta Form;
  5. Yuramekurenshou Midaredzume - [伍ノ型ごのかた揺らめく恋情・乱れ爪ゆらめくれんじょう・みだれづめ] – Trembling love, troubled claws, flickering;
  6. Nekoashikoikaze - [陸ノ型ろくのかた猫足恋風ねこあしこいかぜ] - Cat feet love the wind;
List of Breathing Techniques of Demon Slayer (10)

Rock Breathing Shapes

  1. Jyamongen soukyoku - [壱ノ型いちのかた蛇紋岩・双極じゃもんがん・そうきょく] - Bipolar serpentine;
  2. Tenmenkudaki - [弐ノ型にのかた天面砕きてんめんくだき] - Trimming of the upper surface;
  3. Ganku no Hadae - [参ノ型さんのかた岩軀の膚がんくのはだえ] - The skin of the rock;
  4. Ryuumongan Sokusei - [肆ノ型しのかた流紋岩・速征りゅうもんがん・そくせい] - Fast rock fluid;
  5. Garingyoubu - [伍ノ型ごのかた瓦輪刑部がりんぎょうぶ] - Rotation of the rock;
List of Breathing Techniques of Demon Slayer (11)

Forms of Wind Breathing

  1. Jinsenpuu sogi - [壱ノ型いちのかた塵旋風・削ぎじんせんぷう・そぎ] - Dust whirlwind;
  2. Sousou shinatokaze - [弐ノ型にのかた爪々・科戸風そうそう・しなとかぜ] - Claws of the wind;
  3. Seiranfuujyu - [参ノ型さんのかた晴嵐風樹せいらんふうじゅ] - Wind tree;
  4. Shoujyou sajinran - [肆ノ型しのかた昇上砂塵嵐しょうじょうさじんらん] -
  5. Kogarashi oroshi - [伍ノ型ごのかた木枯らし颪こがらしおろし] -
  6. Kokufuuenran - [陸ノ型ろくのかた黒風烟嵐こくふうえんらん] -
  7. Keifuu tengukaze - [漆ノ型しちのかた勁風・天狗風けいふう・てんぐかぜ] -
  8. Shoretsukaza - [捌ノ型はちのかた初烈風斬りしょれつかざ] -
List of Breathing Techniques of Demon Slayer (12)

Shapes of Mist Breathing

  1. Suitentoogasumi - [壱ノ型いちのかた垂天遠霞すいてんとおがすみ] -
  2. Yaekasumi - [弐ノ型にのかた八重霞やえかすみ] -
  3. Kasan no buki - [参ノ型さんのかた霞散の飛沫かさんのしぶき] -
  4. Iryuugiri - [肆ノ型しのかた移流斬りいりゅうぎり] -
  5. Kaun no umi - [伍ノ型ごのかた霞雲の海かうんのうみ] -
  6. Tsuki no kashou - [陸ノ型ろくのかた月の霞消つきのかしょう] -
  7. Oboru - [漆ノ型しちのかたおぼろ] -
List of Breathing Techniques of Demon Slayer (13)

Forms of Breath of Thunder

  1. Hekireki issen - [壱ノ型いちのかた霹靂一閃へきれきいっせん] - A flash of lightning;
  2. Inadama - [弐ノ型にのかた稲魂いなだま] -
  3. Shuubunseirai - [参ノ型さんのかた聚蚊成雷しゅうぶんせいらい] -
  4. Enrai - [肆ノ型しのかた遠雷えんらい] - Distant Thunder;
  5. Nekkairai - [伍ノ型ごのかた熱界雷ねっかいらい] - Heat ray;
  6. Dengouraigou - [陸ノ型ろくのかた電轟雷轟でんごうらいごう] - Lightning bombardment;
  7. Honoikadzuchinokami - [漆ノ型しちのかた火雷神ほのいかづちのかみ] - Fire Thor;
List of Breathing Techniques of Demon Slayer (14)

Sound Breathing Style Forms

  1. Todoroki - [壱ノ型いちのかたとどろき] - Bang;
  2. - [弐ノ型にのかた:] -
  3. - [参ノ型さんのかた:] -
  4. Kyouzanmuken - [肆ノ型しのかた響斬無間きょうざんむけん] - The sound is infinite;
  5. Meigensousou - [伍ノ型ごのかた鳴弦奏々めいげんそうそう] -
List of Breathing Techniques of Demon Slayer (15)

Forms of the Breath of the Beast

  1. Ugachinuki - [壱ノ牙いちのきば穿ち抜きうがちぬき] - Drilling;
  2. Kirisaki - [弐ノ牙にのきば切り裂ききりさき] - Rifts;
  3. Kuizaki - [参ノ牙さんのきば喰い裂きくいざき] - Eating ripped;
  4. Komazaki - [肆ノ牙しのきば切細裂きこまざき] - Slitting'
  5. Kuruizaki - [伍ノ牙ごのきば狂い裂きくるいざき] - Torn madness;
  6. Ranguigami - [陸ノ牙ろくのきば乱杭咬みらんぐいがみ] - Wind Stake Bite;
  7. Koukanshikikaku - [漆ノ型しちのかた空間識覚くうかんしきかく] - Spatial knowledge;
  8. Bakuretsumoushin - [捌ノ型はちのかた爆裂猛進ばくれつもうしん] - Blast fury progress;
  9. Shin Unerizaki - [玖ノ牙くのきば伸・うねり裂きしん・うねりざき] - Stretching and Swelling;
  10. Entensenga - [拾ノ牙じゅうのきば円転旋牙えんてんせんが] - Rotating fangs;
List of Breathing Techniques of Demon Slayer (16)

Shapes of the Moon's Breath

  1. Yumitzuki Yoinomiya - [壱ノ型いちのかた闇月・宵の宮やみづき・よいのみや] -
  2. Shukanorougetsu - [弐ノ型にのかた珠華ノ弄月しゅかのろうげつ] -
  3. Enkidzuki - [参ノ型さんのかた厭忌月・銷りえんきづき・つがり] -
  4. [肆ノ型しのかた:] - Quarta Form;
  5. Geppakusaika - [伍ノ型ごのかた月魄災渦げっぱくさいか] -
  6. Tokoyokogetsu Muken - [陸ノ型ろくのかた常夜孤月・無間とこよこげつ・むけん] -
  7. Yakkyou Dzubae - [漆ノ型しちのかた厄鏡・月映えやっきょう・づきばえ] -
  8. Getsuryuurinbi - [捌ノ型はちのかた月龍輪尾げつりゅうりんび] -
  9. Kudaridzuki Renmen - [玖ノ型くのかた降り月・連面くだりづき・れんめん] -
  10. Senmenzan Ragetsu - [拾ノ型じゅうのかた穿面斬・籮月せんめんざん・らげつ] -
  11. [拾壱ノ型じゅういちのかた:] - Eleventh Form;
  12. [拾弐ノ型じゅうにのかた:] - Twelfth Form;
  13. [拾参ノ型じゅうさんのかた:] - Thirteenth Form;
  14. Kyouhen Tenmansengetsu - [拾肆ノ型じゅうしのかた兇変・天満繊月きょうへん・てんまんせんげつ] -
  15. [拾伍ノ型じゅうごのかた:] - Fifteenth Form;
  16. Gekkou Katawaredzuki - [拾陸ノ型じゅうろくのかた月虹・片割れ月げっこう・かたわれづき] -

List of Breathing Techniques of Demon Slayer (17)

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List of Breathing Techniques of Demon Slayer (2024)
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