How Many Cold Emails to Send per Day to Avoid Landing in Spam? (2024)


  • 1 How Many Cold Emails to Send Per Day- Table of Contents
  • 2 What are The Cold Email Sending Limits?
    • 2.1 So, what is the Spam Limit?
  • 3 How Can You Send a Higher Volume of Cold Emails Without Putting Your Domain at Risk?
    • 3.1 Step 1: Sign Up on Saleshandy
    • 3.2 Step 2: Set up your Email Accounts
    • 3.3 Step 3: Connect Your Email Accounts with Saleshandy
    • 3.4 Step 4: Warm Up your Email Accounts
    • 3.5 Step 5: Set Up your Email Campaign
    • 3.6 Step 6: Launch your Campaign
  • 4 What Will Happen If You Don’t Follow Cold Email Sending Limits?
  • 5 What Mistakes to Avoid While Sending Cold Emails?
    • 5.1 1. Forgetting to Warm Up Your Email Accounts
    • 5.2 2. Using Your Primary Domains To Send Cold Emails
    • 5.3 3. Not Buying Email List From a Reliable Source
    • 5.4 4. Not Using Relevant Subject Lines
    • 5.5 5. Not A/Z Testing Your Cold Emails
  • 6 Key Takeaways
  • 7 FAQs
    • 7.1 1. How quickly should you scale your cold email campaigns?
    • 7.2 2. How many cold emails do you send before giving up?
    • 7.3 3. How can I send 10k cold emails per day?
    • 7.4 4. How many emails can I send at once in Gmail?

“How many cold emails to send per day?” When setting up cold email campaigns, this is the first question on every cold emailer’s mind.

Well, the reason for asking this question is genuine.

You don’t want to land in the spam folder. We get it!

That’s why we have created this guide. We have answered how many cold emails to send per day and mentioned the most popular email service providers with their sending limits and prices.

You’ll also find tips for sending cold emails without harming your sender’s reputation and learn about mistakes to avoid.

How Many Cold Emails to Send Per Day- Table of Contents

  • What Are The Cold Email Sending Limits?
  • How Can You Send a Higher Volume of Cold Emails Without Putting Your Domain at Risk?
  • What Will Happen If You Don’t Follow Cold Email Sending Limits?
  • What Mistakes to Avoid While Sending Cold Emails?
  • Key Takeaways
  • FAQs

What are The Cold Email Sending Limits?

Before getting into how many cold emails to send per day first it’s important to understand the cold email sending limits set by the ESPs.

ESPSending Limit/DayStarting PriceFree Trial
G Workspace2000 emails$1.64/user/month14 days
Office 36510,000 emails$1.73/user/month30 days
Yahoo Mail500 emails$5/month14 days
Go Daddy1500 emails$0.41/user/monthN/A
Hush Mail2000 emails$11.99/monthN/A
ProtonMail10,000 emails$4.35/user/monthN/A

We have not mentioned the email sending limits from free/personal accounts because it is not recommended to send emails from them as they are more likely to get spammed soon. You should always send cold emails from work email accounts.

Important Note: You should know the imposed email sending limit and spam limit. In the table, we have mentioned the imposed email-sending limits by the ESPs; however, as per best cold emailing practices, NO ONE should send this many emails from one email account.

You should always find the gray area where you can play safe. That’s why we came up with the Spam limits. Spam limits are not given by ESPs but are something that we have developed after sending cold email campaigns for 7-8 years.

So, what is the Spam Limit?

A spam limit is a certain volume of emails sent. After reaching this limit, if you send more emails, they will start going to spam.

We have given the spam limit for G-Workspace and Office 365 as they are the two most commonly used ESPs for cold emailing.

Spam Limit for G-Workspace and Microsoft is 150 emails per email account. We recommend sending 150 emails per day, but not initially. This should only be done after warming up your account for at least a month.

Our cold emailing experts also recommend creating 3-5 email accounts with 1 domain to protect the sender reputation of your domain.

Now, you can use the number of email accounts and the spam limit to determine how many cold emails to send per day with this simple formula:

How Many Cold Emails to Send per Day to Avoid Landing in Spam? (1)

So, in this case, 150 / 3 = 50 emails

This means you can send 50 emails per day from one email account.

However, you can gradually increase the number of cold emails over time once you have built a good sender reputation and hit the number of 150 emails.

Here are the other Non-negotiable Best Cold Emailing Practices you Should Follow

How Can You Send a Higher Volume of Cold Emails Without Putting Your Domain at Risk?

Now you must be wondering what if you want to cross the limit of sending 150 emails per day and scale your cold email outreach efforts to generate more leads.

Well, what we recommend is getting a new email account rather than increasing the number of emails from the same account.

Okay, so now you have multiple email accounts. You have to warm them up over time, keep track of how many emails you send, and gradually increase the number of cold emails.

Worried about the time and effort required for manual execution?

That’s exactly where cold email automation software like Saleshandy comes in.

Saleshandy is an all-in-one cold email automation tool that allows you to automate, personalize, and scale your cold email campaigns with optimum deliverability rates.

Here is how you can automate your cold email campaigns with Saleshandy:

  • Step 1: Sign Up on Saleshandy
  • Step 2: Set up your Email Accounts
  • Step 3: Connect your Email Accounts with Saleshandy
  • Step 4: Warm Up your Email Accounts
  • Step 5: Set Up your Email Campaign
  • Step 6: Launch your Campaign

Step 1: Sign Up on Saleshandy

First, visit Saleshandy’s website and click the big blue “Sign up for free” button. Simply enter your email address to sign up effortlessly.

Step 2: Set up your Email Accounts

Now as discussed in the previous section, you would need different email accounts and domains to scale your outreach without getting spammed.

We highly recommend that you do not use your primary domain for cold emailing. There is a chance that it will get spammed and hurt your brand reputation.

Instead, you can buy secondary domains and create email addresses for them.

Read our blog to learn more about secondary domains.

Your next question would be, how many emails and domains do I need? To answer this question, you can use our email account calculator.

How Many Cold Emails to Send per Day to Avoid Landing in Spam? (2)
  • Get this email account calculator.
  • Fill in the necessary information like how many cold emails you want to send & in how many days.
  • It will provide you with all the necessary information.

Step 3: Connect Your Email Accounts with Saleshandy

Now that you have got your email accounts, it’s time to connect them with Saleshandy.

With Saleshandy, you can connect unlimited email accounts WITHOUT PAYING ANY ADDITIONAL COST.

– Go to your Saleshandy dashboard first.

– Click on the “⚙️” settings icon in the sidebar.

– Now, under user settings, click on Email Accounts.

– Select Add Email Accounts.

How Many Cold Emails to Send per Day to Avoid Landing in Spam? (3)

– A pop-up will appear that will ask you to choose your preferred ESPs. Select your ESP and start connecting your email accounts with Saleshandy.

How Many Cold Emails to Send per Day to Avoid Landing in Spam? (4)

Connect Email Accounts In Bulk:

You can use this sample CSV file and follow our step-by-step guide to connecting bulk email accounts with Saleshandy.

Set the Sending Settings

So, you have connected your email accounts. Now it’s time to set the sending settings to automatically warm up your email accounts.

Settings>Email Accounts> Sending Settings

How Many Cold Emails to Send per Day to Avoid Landing in Spam? (5)
  • Daily Quota: Keep the daily sending quota of each email address to 50 or less.
  • Set Time Interval: Set the time interval for each email between 60 and 190 seconds.
  • Enable Email Ramp Up: Initially keep it between 10% and 15% and gradually increase your daily sending limit.

Step 4: Warm Up your Email Accounts

After setting up your email accounts, you must warm them up.

Saleshandy has partnered with TrulyInbox to automate your email warm-up process. It mimics human-like email-sending interactions and mechanisms to build a robust sender reputation.

How Many Cold Emails to Send per Day to Avoid Landing in Spam? (6)

You can connect TrulyInbox to Saleshandy at no additional cost when you subscribe to any of Saleshandy’s paid plans.

Step 5: Set Up your Email Campaign

As you have connected email accounts, it’s time to set up your email campaigns.

  • Click on the “Create Sequence” button on Saleshandy’s dashboard.
How Many Cold Emails to Send per Day to Avoid Landing in Spam? (7)
  • Select the “Add Step.”
How Many Cold Emails to Send per Day to Avoid Landing in Spam? (8)
  • An email creator window will open. Make sure you write:
    • Highly relevant & personalized email copy.
    • Actionable CTA.
    • Engaging subject line.
How Many Cold Emails to Send per Day to Avoid Landing in Spam? (9)
  • Once your email is there, follow this guide to upload your Lead List to saleshandy; however, verify your lead list to prevent hard bounces.
How Many Cold Emails to Send per Day to Avoid Landing in Spam? (10)

Step 6: Launch your Campaign

Now, it’s time to launch your campaign, but before activating it, there are a few safety check measures you should follow to make sure you land in your prospect’s inbox:

Send Test Email

Once everything is in place, you must send yourself a test email to ensure everything is in place and merge tags and spintax are working correctly.

Enable Sender Rotation

Moreover, with Saleshandy, you do not need to distribute the volume of your emails manually. You can automate the entire process with the Sender Rotation feature by Saleshandy, which will automatically switch multiple email addresses for you in a single sequence.

Follow these steps to set up sender rotation.

Check Sequence Score

With the Sequence score feature by Saleshandy, you can check and get actionable insights into how you can improve your email account setup, sequence setup, and email copy.

How Many Cold Emails to Send per Day to Avoid Landing in Spam? (11)

Set A-Z Testing

We also recommend that you implement A-Z testing and test up to 26 variants of your cold emails to find the perfect combinations that work best for you.

Once all the steps are done, hit the ACTIVATE button!

What Will Happen If You Don’t Follow Cold Email Sending Limits?

Limits are set for a REASON.

If you don’t adhere to the cold email sending limits set by the ESPs, your email accounts will most likely be suspended for 24 hours or banned permanently.

Moreover, if you keep sending a large number of emails from the same email account and a big percentage of emails bounce back due to an exceeded ESP limit, it can seriously harm your sender’s reputation and risk your brand image.

What Mistakes to Avoid While Sending Cold Emails?

Here are some common cold email mistakes that are non-negotiables; otherwise, no one can save you from landing in the spam folder:

1. Forgetting to Warm Up Your Email Accounts

We have stressed this point since the start of our blog. You can’t take an email address and start shooting 100 emails from your inboxes. Otherwise, ESPs will see you as a spammer.

You have to warm up your email accounts slowly over time. You can either warm up your email accounts or use warm up tools to automate the entire process. Although email warmup tools can cost you a few bucks but they are totally worth it considering the benefits.

2. Using Your Primary Domains To Send Cold Emails

Using your primary domain for cold emailing is the worst mistake. We know you are sending emails legitimately, but there is a slight probability that they will mark them as spam.

Now, if you use your primary domain, you are putting its reputation at a direct risk. (Think about it!)

Otherwise, all your brand communications will be hampered; therefore, reserve emails from your primary domain for internal team communications and opt-in marketing emails.

3. Not Buying Email List From a Reliable Source

Another cold email mistake we have encountered among our users is not buying email lists from credible sources. When you send emails to invalid addresses, they will bounce back, damaging your sender’s reputation. Make sure you avoid this mistake at all costs.

4. Not Using Relevant Subject Lines

Do you know why many cold emails go unnoticed? Because they are not sending emails with relevant subject lines. Hence, you should always send your cold emails with relevant cold email subject lines that are shorter, personalized, and interesting.

5. Not A/Z Testing Your Cold Emails

If you want to see an increase in metrics like open rate, reply rate, etc., then you should test them. Running A-Z tests can help you understand your prospects better. You can send different variants of subject lines, CTAs, and email copies that resonate more with your target prospects.

These were just a few of the cold email mistakes that could hamper the success of your cold email campaigns. We have prepared a list of 20 cold email mistakes you should avoid to get more replies.

Key Takeaways

  • Here is the definite answer to how many cold emails to send per day
    • New Email Account: 10-15 emails per day
    • Email Account with a strong sender reputation: 100-150 emails
  • Always adhere to the cold email sending limits set by the ESPs.
  • Email deliverability is a MAKE-OR-BREAK deal when sending cold emails.
  • To maintain optimum email deliverability rates, always create 5 email accounts with 1 domain and send 50 emails per day per account.


1. How quickly should you scale your cold email campaigns?

Well, according to Saleshandy’s cold email experts, you should not start sending bulk emails immediately. Instead, you should gradually scale the email volume and keep the ramp-up between 10% and 15%.

2. How many cold emails do you send before giving up?

You should always continue sending cold emails. Always remember that it is an ongoing process you can improve using tried and tested strategies. Initially, you can start by adding at least 2-5 follow-up emails and schedule them at 3, 7, and 14-day intervals. Gradually increase the time interval for follow-up emails.

3. How can I send 10k cold emails per day?

The most effective way to send 10,000 emails daily is using cold email automation software like Saleshandy. It can automatically distribute the appropriate volume of emails across all email accounts to avoid your emails landing in spam. You can read our blog on how to send 10,000 emails to learn how you can send mass emails with Saleshandy.

4. How many emails can I send at once in Gmail?

With Gmail, you can send 500 emails in one day; however, it is not recommended that you send cold emails with Gmail because they are more likely to get marked as spam. Instead, you can use Google Workspace to create email accounts with your domain and send up to 2000 ‍emails per day.

How Many Cold Emails to Send per Day to Avoid Landing in Spam? (2024)


How Many Cold Emails to Send per Day to Avoid Landing in Spam? ›

The rule is to start small (10 - 20 emails per day) and gradually increase your sending volume while keeping an eye on your deliverability and reputation. Last but not least, email service providers have specific limits. The limit set by your ESP designates how many emails you can send out each day.

How many cold emails should you send per day? ›

It all depends on your previous efforts with cold emailing, but if you're just starting out, it's best to send up to 10-20 emails per day. As you ramp up your cold email campaigns and introduce automation into the mix, you can increase the number of cold emails you send on a daily basis.

How many emails can I send per day without going to spam? ›

How many emails can I safely send per day? If you want to ensure your emails reach their destination inboxes and stay out of spam folders, you should limit the total number of emails per day that you send to up to 200 per day for most email platforms.

How many cold emails to get a response? ›

In cold sales outreach, you should be sending between 4-9 follow-up emails. According to our analysis of millions of cold emails, your overall reply rates increase with every follow-up. But after 9 or more follow-ups, the benefits are negligible, and you could be marked as spam.

What's a good cold email response rate? ›

If you trust that your cold email campaigns have personalized, concise, and valuable content, attractive subject lines, are targeted at the right group of people, and are delivered at the right times, then anywhere between 1% to 10% is a good benchmark for response rates.

How many emails should an SDR send per day? ›

If you are an SDR with a new inbox and sending address, start by sending 10-20 cold emails per day to avoid getting penalized by the spam filter. However, if you have an older inbox and sending address and a good email reputation, you can send over 100 emails daily, depending on your email service provider (ESP).

How many emails per day is too many? ›

If you are sending and receiving more than 100 emails per day, it's time to take a step back. A study by McKinsey found that workers who check their email in excess of 50 times per day are less productive than those who check their inboxes only once or twice daily.

How many emails trigger spam? ›

If you haven't been sending emails but suddenly start sending 500 emails daily, email providers will consider them spam. Send a consistent volume of emails daily to reach your audience's inbox.

How do I stop 100 spam emails a day? ›

But there are several steps you can take to minimize the amount of spam you receive.
  1. Step 1: Don't Respond to Spam Emails. ...
  2. Step 2: Use Your Email Provider's Spam Filter. ...
  3. Step 3: Report Spam. ...
  4. Step 4: Unsubscribe from Mailing Lists. ...
  5. Step 5: Be Cautious with Your Email Address. ...
  6. Step 6: Use a Third-Party Spam Filter.

How to send bulk emails without landing in spam? ›

How to Send Bulk Emails Without Spamming (A Comprehensive Guide)
  1. Employ double opt-In.
  2. Build your own email list.
  3. Clean up your email list regularly.
  4. Evaluate your subject line.
  5. Provide unsubscribe link.
  6. Transparent 'From' and physical address.
  7. Don't just send an image.
  8. Optimize your email content.
Jun 26, 2024

What is the 30 30 50 rule for cold emails? ›

The 30/30/50 rule states that you should aim for a 30-50% response rate to your email campaigns.

What is the average success rate of a cold email? ›

The Average Cold Email Response Rate Is Just 8.5%.

According to a study by Backlinko, the average cold email reply rate is just 8.5%. However, you can bring your reply rates up if you target the right prospects, personalize emails to the prospect's interests, and follow up religiously.

What is a good open rate for cold emails? ›

What is the cold email open rate benchmark? The average cold email open rate rests between 20-40%. Considering this as your benchmark can prove useful in identifying whether your emails need better subject lines or if they're even being sent to the primary inbox of your prospect's inbox.

What is a good bounce rate for cold email? ›

Managing your email bounce rate is crucial for cold email success. Bounce rates offer insights into your campaign health and email list quality. Aim for a bounce rate of 2% or less. To reduce bounces, regularly clean your list, avoid spam-like content, and verify your email domain.

What is the engagement rate for cold emails? ›

The average cold email response rate is between 1 to 5%.

According to a Belkin study, the average response rate for cold emails is about 7%, which means that for every 100 cold emails sent, one might expect to receive seven responses.

Are cold emails more effective than cold calls? ›

The incredible, scalable cold email

While a cold email doesn't allow a rep to control a conversation the way they can when they're on the phone with a prospect, the cold email has a major advantage over the cold call — reps can send out a lot of email in a short span of time.

How many cold emails before giving up? ›

What Do the Experts Say? “If you're cold-emailing, an average of three sales emails sent over the course of a couple of weeks is usually enough to get a good idea whether a prospect is ever going to be interested in what you're offering. “Any more than that and you'll probably just be wasting your time.

Can I send 100 emails a day? ›

Use a Google Workspace account

With a Google Workspace account, you can send up to 2,000 emails per day (1,500 mail merge) compared to the standard Gmail limit of 500. This is important if you want to run mass email campaigns and reach a broader audience without worrying about hitting the daily limit.

How long to wait between cold emails? ›

You don't want to send your email too soon after your initial contact, but you also don't want to wait too long. A good rule of thumb is to wait 3-7 days before sending your first follow-up email. After that, you can follow up every few days to a week, depending on the urgency of the situation.

What is a typical open rate for cold emails? ›

What is the cold email open rate benchmark? The average cold email open rate rests between 20-40%. Considering this as your benchmark can prove useful in identifying whether your emails need better subject lines or if they're even being sent to the primary inbox of your prospect's inbox.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.