Buergbrennen 2024: Where and when will Luxembourg burn the winter away? (2024)

On the first Sunday after Fuesend (Carnival), so-called Buergen (torches) are lit throughout the Grand Duchy to burn the winter away.

Buergbrennen also presents a perfect opportunity to see neighbours and others around the neighbourhood, from local personalities to different clubs.

At the end of the article, you will find a list of all the different locations where a Buergbrennen will take place in Luxembourg this Sunday.

Usually, every village, big or small, organises their own Buergbrennen. Wood, straw and other materials such as old Christmas trees are gathered in advance to be burnt in a large, open area on a pyre with a cross or a torch.

Often, a torch procession is organised that marches through the different villages before the torches are then used to set the pyre on fire. However, there is also a common tradition for a newlywed couple or a local personality to light the bonfire.

Traditionally, Buergbrennen takes place on "Buergsonndeg" (Torch Sunday). However, nowadays local clubs also tend to organise them on Saturdays and even Fridays.

Many of the local clubs managing Buergbrennen arrangements — such as the scouts — organise the event to allow young kids to participate in the traditional festivities. Friday and Saturday events allow parents to enjoy the glow of the bonfire without worrying about an early Monday morning school run the next day.

An old tradition

The tradition's purpose is to communally chase away the cold, and symbolically burn away the winter. This practice is not just limited to Luxembourg. In neighbouring regions in France and Germany, the tradition of burning the winter away with a bonfire has a strong foothold.

For example, in the Swabian-German area, Buergbrennen is called 'Funkenfeuer'. In Zurich, Switzerland,people torch a 'Böögg' during the 'Sechseläuten'. For our French neighbours, the tradition is called the 'fête des brandons'.

Originally, 'Buergbrennen' was a pagan tradition and used to take place at the beginning of spring. The celebration symbolises the return of spring, marking the triumph of warmth over the cold.

In the past, farmers and wine growers used the Buergbrennen bonfire to predict future weather conditions: "As the smoke goes on Buergsonndeg, so goes the entire pre-summer." Experts also note that the word 'Buerg' itself has nothing to do with a castle but is derived from the Latin word 'burere', meaning 'to burn'.

Read more about the history of Buergbrennen here.

The Buergbrennen of the 'Buergfrënn' inNiederanven

One of the biggest Buergbrennen in the country is in the municipality of Niederanven,taking place this Sunday, organised by the 'Buergfrënn'.

The group has been working hard for the past two weeks to build their bonfire. However, the actual process begins in November every year, when two architects devise blueprints for the bonfire.

Once a proposal has been decided upon, materials can be gathered. This year, the team gathered 2000 pallets and 70kg of nails to build the bonfire on a field betweenNiederanven and Munsbach.

An evolving tradition

This weekend, bonfires will be lit across the country, symbolically saying goodbye to winter. While bonfires in the central and southern parts of the Grand Duchy are usually organised by local fire departments or scout groups, in theÉislek region, the task is often taken on by youth clubs.

However, due to space constraints in many places, alternative solutions need to be found. For example, in Hosingen, alongside the youth club, members of the FOAH association also lend a hand. Over time, this has led to the tradition taking place on Saturdays instead of Sundays. FOAH President Roland Heinen explains:

Buergbrennen: Roland Heinen (FOAH)

"I think we are all getting a bit older. We all have families and kids and it's just more fun this way as people have more time available on Saturday evenings. Often Buergbrennen falls on the final day of the Carnival holidays. Then on Monday, school starts again and understandably, people don't really want to be out and about with their kids until 9 or 10pm. Therefore, we decided to do it on a Saturday, it is more comfortable this way and more people are able to join."

Due to environmental protection concerns, things like tyres are not permitted as bonfire material. However, this is not considered an impediment to the structure of the bonfire in any way.

When and where?

Buergbrennen 2024: Where and when will Luxembourg burn the winter away? (2)

Buergbrennen 2024: Where and when will Luxembourg burn the winter away? (3)

Buergbrennen 2024: Where and when will Luxembourg burn the winter away? (4)

Buergbrennen 2024: Where and when will Luxembourg burn the winter away? (5)

Buergbrennen 2024: Where and when will Luxembourg burn the winter away? (6)

Buergbrennen 2024: Where and when will Luxembourg burn the winter away? (7)

Buergbrennen 2024: Where and when will Luxembourg burn the winter away? (8)

Buergbrennen 2024: Where and when will Luxembourg burn the winter away? (9)

Buergbrennen 2024: Where and when will Luxembourg burn the winter away? (10)

Buergbrennen 2024: Where and when will Luxembourg burn the winter away? (11)

Buergbrennen 2024: Where and when will Luxembourg burn the winter away? (12)

Buergbrennen 2024: Where and when will Luxembourg burn the winter away? (13)

Buergbrennen 2024: Where and when will Luxembourg burn the winter away? (14)

Buergbrennen 2024: Where and when will Luxembourg burn the winter away? (15)

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When and where will you be able to attend a Buergbrennen and chase the winter away later today?

Note: events taking place on Saturday have been removed.

LocationWhere exactlyWhoWhenAdditional information
AngelsbergBehind the churchCDJ Angelsbierg18.02Buergbrennen at 8pm
Bech1, um Faubourg L-6230 BechBecher Jugend18.027pm
BeaufortOpposite 61, Route de ReisdorfAmicale Pompjeeën Beefort a.s.b.l.18.02Starts at 6pm, Buergbrennen at 7pm
BeggenOpposite Stade Henri DunantBeggener Guiden a Scouten18.02Torch procession starts at 6.40pm, Buergbrennen at 7pm
BergAt Siebelchen in the direction of BierengerbiergClubs in Berg18.02Starts from 5pm onward, Buergbrennen at 8pm
BiwerAt Rédelbierg opposite the cemeteryFriends of the Red Cross Biwer18.02Torch procession starts at 6pm, Buergbrennen at 7pm
BurdenAmicale Burden18.027pm
BrouchRue de BiissenCDJ Bricher Suebelmouken18.02Starts at 6pm, Buergbrennen at 7.30pm
Cents153, Rue CentsCentser Guiden a Scouten18.02from 4pm onwards
ChristnachBy the monument HougeriichtClub des Jeunes Chrëschtnech18.02From 6pm onwards, Buergbrennen at 7.30pm
Colmar-BergIn the firefighters' buildingAmicale vun de Fräiwëllege Pompjeeën18.027pm
DahlheimKierlingerstrooss next to the football fieldAmicale vun den Pompjeeën Duelem-Welfren asbl18.02Torch procession starts at 6.45pm
EselbornEeselbuer Richtung Pateren
EschdorfAt the Aalen TippJugend Eschdöerf-Mettscheet18.027pm
FingigRue du Bois "Um Kues"Féngeger Jugend18.02From 7pm onwards
FlaxweilerOn the BuergplazClub des Jeunes Fluessweiler18.027pm
FouhrenOn the KnuppClub des Jeunes Fouhren18.027.30pm
GarnichAt BotterkraizClub Opel Hecktriebler Lëtzebuerg18.02Start at 5.30pm, Buergbrennen at 7pm
GonderangeAt GehaansraichGonnerenger Duerfclub18.02From 5pm onwards, torch procession starts at 6.30om, Buergbrennen at 7pm
GostingenCentre CulturelGouschtenger Pompjeeën18.027pm
HarlangeAt Napoléons-BeemschenJeunesse Harel18.02From 8pm onwards
HeiderscheidAt aalen TippHeischter Jongen18.027.15pm
HunsdorfUm ZappHënsdrefer Duerffrënn18.02Starts at 11.30am, Buergbrennen at 7pm
HeffingenOp der HéichtHiefenecher Jugend18.027pm
HostertClub des Jeunes18.027.30 pm
EchternachBy the lakeAmicale vun den Pompjeeën & LGS18.02Buergbrennen at 7pm
Erpeldange/BousBy the Nengkirchen cemeteryAmicale Pompjeeën Bous18.02From 6pm onwards, Buergbrennen at 7.30
EverlangeAt the castle, Rue PrincipaleIewerlenger Bréckestäiler18.02From 3pm onwards, torch procession at 5pm, Buergbrennen at 5.30pm
ItzigNext to the tennis courtEntente Itzeg18.027pm
JunglinsterLënsterbierg, at the end of Rue de la MontagneLGS St. Martin Jonglënster18.02Torch procession at 6.45pm
KoerichNext to the primary schoolGieweler Pompjeeën asbl18.02From 5pm onwards, torch procession at 6.45pm, Buergbrennen at 7pm
KeispeltAn der HéischtPompjeesfrënn Keespelt-Meespelt18.02
Limpach12a Rue de RuisseauLampecher Fliichteschësser18.02Torch procession at 7pm
LeudelangeEnd of Rue Eich in the direction of Lager HUKAmicale vun de Leidelenger Pompjeeën18.02Torch procession from 6.30pm, Buergbrennen at 7pm
LiefrangeOpposite the camping groundD’Meedercher an d’Jongen vun der Burrig18.02Buergbrennen at 7pm
LorentzweilerOp der SchanzLuerenzweiler Scouten18.02From 5pm onwards, Buergbrennen at 7pm
MamerAt the end of Rue de KehlenCSV Gemeng Mamer18.02Starts at 5.30pm, Buergbrennen at 7pm
MichelauOn the football fieldAmicale 09 Méchela an CS Buurschent18.02Buergbrennen at 7pm
MullendorfAn der WollefskaulMëllerefer Buerg Jugend18.02From 12pm onwards
Mersch4, Rue de GosseldangeMierscher Pompjeeën ASBL18.02From 11am onwards, Buergbrennen at 8pm
MoesdorfAt KachebiergAal Lanzen Asbl18.02Starts at 8pm
MunshausenFrummeschgaassJeunesse Munzen Draufelt Siwwenaler asbl18.02Torch procession at 7pm next to the church
NiederanvenCR132 betweenNiederanven andMunsbachBuergfrënn a Scoute vun Nidderaanwen18.02From 6pm onwards, Buergbrennen at 7.30pm
NothemBeiwenerstroossJeunesse Noutem18.027pm
Altrier Op der SchanzBehind the BildchenMicky Mais Gemeng Bech18.02From 6pm onwards
OspernCentre Polyvalent (31a, Rue Principale)Gudd Noperen vun Osper Räichel an der Elz asbl18.02Starts at 5pm,
torch procession at 6pm, Buergbrennen at 6.30pm
RambrouchClub des Jeunes an Rammericher Pomjeesmusik18.027.30pm
RumlangeAt the Buergplaz, in the direction of Boxer18.02Starts at 6pm
RippigOp der RuederAmicale Rippeger Pompjee18.027.30pm
RippweilerAt the Buergplaz, next to the water towerRippweiler Jugend18.02Start at 7pm
RodangeOn the DänneknippchenAmicale Nidderréideng-Rodange18.02Buergbrennen at 7pm
RollingenCentre de loisirAmicale vum CIS Péiteng18.02From 4pm onwards
Sandweiler113 Rue d'ItzigAmicale vun de Sandweiler Pompjeeën18.02Buergbrennen at 7.30pm
SchoenfelsOpposite the park, Montée de la BergerieAmicale Pompjeeën Schëndels18.02From 5.30pm onwards
SchierenBehind the church derPompjeesfrënn Schieren18.027pm
SchouweilerHome Dippecher Dachsen (21, Rue des Ecoles)Dippecher Dachsen an d'Amicale vun den Dippecher Pompjeeën18.02From 5pm onwards, torch procession at 6pm
TuntangeBy HeidemierNatur an Ëmwelt Téinten18.02From 6pm onwards, Buergbrennen at 7.30pm
UseldangeÖkoparkingClub des Jeunes Useldeng18.02Starts at 6pm, Buergbrennen at 7pm
WäicherdangWäicherdang exit, direction ofEselbornAmicale Wäicherdang18.027pm
WalferdangeOn the rugby fieldWalfer Guiden a Scouten18.027pm
WuermerUm KundelDII Wormer18.027pm
Buergbrennen 2024: Where and when will Luxembourg burn the winter away? (2024)
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